What is the role of the “Is Auto Producible” flag while creating an Item?

Xoro has added an ability to the manufacturable Item, if it goes short while creating an SO (during Waving), the Item will be Auto Produced.

For this, a check is added in the Create Item module, “Is Auto Producible‘.  This option is available under the “Manufacturing” tab of the Item.


If this setting is ON, this item will be auto manufactured/produced to make the Inventory available during the Waving process if the Inventory is not sufficient. This will eliminate the need to manually creating and producing manufacturing orders.

This flag can be viewed under the Item Centre, Item Sub view form, and in the Product matrix generator page columns.

The “Is Producible” column is also added in the Product Upload Template.

Note: This flag, on the manufacturable Item, will override the App Config setting of “Auto Quick Produce MO from Wave”.

If the “Is Auto Producible” flag is turned ON for the Item,  it will get Auto Produced on creating the Wave, even if the App Config setting is turned OFF.


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