What is a Sales Order?

A Sales Order (SO) is a write-up of goods and/or services provided to a Customer. You can use the Sales Order module to create a new SO or edit an existing one by selecting a Customer, adding goods/services they would like to Purchase, finalizing the Order, and then releasing it in preparation for shipment.

Sales Order status

  • Open: After creating an SO, it is in Open status. This means it has not been finalized and changes can be made to it.
  • Released: After you release an SO, you can now create a Wave that will be sent to the warehousing department where it will be prepared for shipment. Make sure the order has been finalized before release. If there are any restrictions on Items (denoted by) then a SO can not be released.
  • Partially Shipped: If there are items that are back-ordered (items yet to be shipped), a SO will be in Partially Shipped status.
  • Shipped: All items of an order are shipped and thus the order has been fulfilled (Shipped).
  • Closed: A SO can be closed once it is fully Shipped or if it is no longer valid. Once an SO is closed, it cannot change status.
  • Canceled: A SO can also be canceled and it can no longer change statuses once it is.

Sales Order Fields

Header – Sales

  • Sale Store: This is the store from which the sale is being processed from.
  • Ship Store: This is the store from which the SO is being shipped from. You can change this store if the goods are being shipped or picked up from another location.
  • Select Customer: Type a name, phone number, or email here to select a customer for the order. Click for more details on the selected customer.
  • Ref No: A reference number can be entered here. Often this can be to an old SO# or an SO# from another system.
  • Date: This is the date the order took place with the customer.
  • Require Advance Payment: Use this field to enter an advance payment that is required from the customer, you can select an absolute amount or percentage of the order. This required payment will appear for the customer when they login to their portal.
  • To be shipped date: Enter a shipping date here. You can then click to apply or remove this date to all items in the order. Shipping dates for individual items can be different and in that case, this date is typically the earliest shipping date. The “Last shipped” date indicates the most recent shipment from this order.

Header – Shipping

  • Ship Method: Choose the SO’s shipping method here. Select Pick Up if the customer is picking up the goods by themselves. Select Delivery (Own Truck) if your own company’s truck is being used for the delivery. And select Delivery (Third Party) if an external company is shipping the goods for you. No shipping fields will be available to edit if Pick Up is chosen.
  • Shipping Terms: These are the Shipping Terms options for the order.
  • Shipping Type: If the goods are to be cantonized during the shipping process, choose Cantonized otherwise select Flat/Standard.
  • Ship Via/Carrier: Select a carrier here for shipment. If Delivery (Own Truck) is selected, the company’s own carrier can be selected. If however Delivery (Third Party) is selected, choose another company’s carrier for shipping (FedEx, UPS, etc.).
  • F.O.B: Choose the freight on board, origin, or destination.
  • Ship Service: Select a Ship Service here if necessary.
  • Shipping Notes: Enter any Shipping Notes here, these will be sent to the warehousing department.
  • Shipping Cost: Enter the Shipping Cost here.
  • Tax Code: Select the tax on the shipping.

Header – Other

  • Customer Tax Code: The tax code of the customer. Changing this allows you to apply a different tax code to all the items in the SO. This field should already be fetched once a customer has been selected.
  • Payment Terms: The Payment Terms of the customer. This drop-down should already be chosen once a customer has been selected.
  • Sales Rep: This is the Sales Rep for this SO. Once a customer has been selected this field will automatically be filled and will require authorization to edit.
  • Customer PO: Enter the customer’s PO# here if applicable.
  • Project/Class: Select a project or class to associate this sales order with.

SO Details

  • Add Item (Alt+A): Clicking this button (or pressing ‘Alt+A’ on your keyboard) opens a new window where you can add items to the sales order. Search for the item in the “Item Number” field, enter a Qty, and fill in any other details. Now click Add (Enter) to add the item. Repeat this process for adding additional items.

The Options button gives the 3 features below:

  • Batch Discount: Use this feature to apply the same discount to multiple Items on the SO. Select all the discounted Item(s) with a checkbox, then click Options -> Batch Discount. In this window you can enter an absolute or percent discount, then click OK.
  • Remove Restrictions: Use this feature to remove any pricing rule restrictions (denoted by a ) in the SO. Select all the Items with a checkbox for which you want to remove restrictions, then click Options -> Remove Restrictions, and enter your credentials. Please note that only Users with the appropriate privileges will be able to remove restrictions.
  • Delete Selected Row(s): Use this feature to remove multiple Items from the SO. Select all the items you would like to remove with a checkbox, then click Options -> Delete Selected Row(s).

The descriptions below refer to the column headings of the Items:

  • Description: An Item’s description that can be edited by clicking on it.
  • Unit Price: An Item’s unit price can be edited by clicking on it.
  • Discount: An Item’s discount that can be edited by clicking on it.
  • Qty: An Item’s quantity that can be edited by clicking on it.
  • Qty Shipped: This is the quantity that has been Shipped to the Customer (onto an Invoice). It can be less than or equal to “Qty”.
  • Qty Allocated: This is the quantity that has been reserved for the customer (onto a wave(s)). It can be less than or equal to “Qty”. Its value is controlled by the warehousing department.
  • Notes: A note can be added here for an item, it is then printed on the packing slip for the purposes of any special delivery messages. Use this field to directly send any notes to delivery personnel.
  • UOM: The unit of measure, this defines how the items are quantified (liter, unit, kilogram, etc.).
  • Tax: The Tax Code applied to this Item.
  • Ship Date: This is an individual Item’s delivery date. Edit this date if an Item on an order needs to be delivered earlier or later than the other Items. Once released, this field is seen by the warehousing department so that Item(s) can be delivered on a separate date.
  • Availability:  This indicates whether an Item is available or unavailable to sell from its Ship Store, respectively.
  • Amount: Unit Price * Qty – Discount.
  • Project/Class: Select a project or class to associate this line with.
  • Bill To Address: The billing address of the order. When a Customer is selected, this field will automatically be populated. It can be edited by clicking.
  • Ship To Address: The shipping address of the order. When a customer is selected, this field will automatically be populated. You can select other addresses from the drop-down menu or it can be edited by clicking.
  • Exchange Rate: If the order is for a foreign Customer, the exchange rate can be edited here.
  • Customer Message: A message for the Customer can be entered here or you can select one of the pre-written messages using.
  • Memo: A memo for the Sales Order can be written here.

Video tutorial



Q1 What does “link an SO to a Customer Deposit” do? Where does it show up at a later stage? What does send deposit link mean? 

ANS: A Customer Deposit is an advanced payment that is made by the Customer. It is a liability on the Seller, and when this deposit amount is used in the sale of an Item, this liability is removed. 

Linking a Customer Deposit to SO will create a deposit amount of the customer with the seller linked to the particular Sales Order.

 In the later stage, it is shown during the “Bill Payment”.

The deposit link can be sent to the customer. The customers can make a payment on this link. 


Q2 What is the difference between on SO and On SO Draft?

ANS: SO Draft is a Sales Order that is still to be released, changes can be made on the SO at this stage.

SO is a Sales Order in the Released status.  

Q3 What does Lock Wave Do? List the Inventory in “In Picking Status”? Explain ATS, ATS (including PO), Net available? 

Lock Wave will lock any future order on the particular items chosen to sell.  It can’t be picked right away. The merchandise cannot be shipped immediately.

  • Inventory in the “In Picking Status” is as follows:

  • ATS: Available To Sell, it is the Qty of Items available in the Inventory that can be used to sell. 
  • ATS (Including PO): Qty of Items available in the Inventory plus the items that are on the Purchase Order. 
  • Net Available: is Available minus Allocated (In Picking).

Q4 Can you create an Invoice directly without waving? 

ANS: Yes, we can create an Invoice directly without waving it. We can do it manually by creating the Invoice from the SO. Also, the Invoice can be created directly from the “Invoice” module. 


 Q5 What is the difference between Packing Slip and the Invoice? 

ANS: In the Packing slip, only the total number of items is mentioned.

On the other hand, in the Invoice, all the details like the total amount paid, amount due, and all other payments are also mentioned.

Q6 What is the difference between Credit Memo and Invoice Credit Memo? Where do you find all credits listed in the Application?

ANS: Credit Memo: A Credit Memo is a credit generated without an Invoice, here a refund is created without returning any Inventory into the stock.

Invoice Credit Memo: An Invoice Credit Memo is used to generate credit, when there is an Invoice available, here we are returning inventory into the stock.

all credits are listed in the “Customer Credit Centre” module. 


Q7 What is Quick Ship? 

ANS: By opting for Quick Ship, all the steps from waving an SO to Invoice generation would be done automatically.

 Q8  List at least 3 methods to find outstanding Customer balance? How can you send Customer Statements? 


  1. Look for the “Customer info” module.

  1. In the Report Library,

Open AR Aging Summary (With Deposits)

  1. From the Customer statements:

Go to the “Customer statement” module, look for the “Customer”.

From the Customer Statement module, select and Print Statement/Choose “Email Statement”

Q9  How do you un-apply Credits and deposits?

ANS: To un-apply, the Credits and Deposits follow the steps below: 

Go to the “Apply Deposit/Credits” option in the Invoice.

Look for the “Previously Applied” option,

uncheck the apply option.

Q10  What is Wave? 

ANS: A Wave is generated in a Sales order to help in reserving the stock in the Inventory for that Order, letting others know that it is not for sale.

Q11 What is AR?

ANS: AR means Account Receivable. It is the money that will be received from the sale of a product or service.

Q12.  What is a Credit Memo?

ANS: A credit memo is used in case if there are any returns to be made. There may be a variety of reasons for return, the primary one being customer satisfaction or damaged products. In Xoro we have the Invoice Credit Memo option to perform the function if there is an invoice; if there is no invoice or the merchandise return is not involved, then we can use “Credit Memo”.

Q13.  What is an RMA?

ANS:  RMA means Return Merchandise Authorization. It is basically the authorization provided in order to allow a product to be returned.

Q14.  What is a customer Deposit?

ANS: Customer deposit is the amount paid by the Customer in advance of receiving the goods or service.


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