Upload Vendor Credits

Occasionally goods purchased from a vendor need to be returned (wrong item, faulty product, etc.) and so a vendor credit needs to be created. This credit can then be applied to future bills from that vendor or it can be refunded.


  • Download the latest CSV template from the “Upload Vendor Credits” module.
  • Copy Vendor Credits information into the CSV template.
  • Upload the CSV template into Xoro.

Download the CSV template file

  • Go to Upload Vendor Credits using the Search Menu.
  • Click on the “Download Template“.

Copy the information into the template

Once you’ve downloaded the template file, you can copy in your data using any spreadsheet software. There are columns that you must complete, and others that are optional. Mandatory fields are marked with a double asterisk (**) prefix.

  • The file must be a CSV (Comma-separated values) file. The name of your file must end with csv.
  • Make sure you don’t change any of the column headings from row 1 in the template as these are needed for the file to import correctly.
  • All date fields will accept a format of MM/DD/YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY.
  • Be mindful of any leading zeros in your data, some spreadsheet software will trim them automatically without notifying you. This can be resolved by ensuring your columns have correct formatting.
  • Sometimes long numbers (UPC, etc.) are formatted as scientific notation. Be sure to change the formatting on this data to display these long numbers correctly.

If you’re importing more than 5,000 records, we recommend you to split up the file.

Column NameData TypeDescription
**StoreCodeTextEnter the StoreCode for the vendor credit which has to match exactly with the store code in Xoro.

Note: If this field is blank it will be picked up from the upload default values.

**VendorNameTextEnter the vendor name for the bill which has to match exactly with the vendor’s name in Xoro.
**TxnDateDateThe transaction date of the vendor credit in MM-DD-YYYY format.
ExchangeRateTextThis will be “1” for home currency vendors and can be something else for foreign vendors.
RefNoTextA reference number can be associated with the vendor credit.
MemoTextA memo can be associated with the opening vendor credit.
**TotalAmtNumericThe amount of the vendor credit in decimal format (example: 3245.12).
ImportErrorTextIf there any errors from an upload, they will be listed in this column.

Upload the Template

Once you have filled the CSV file with your data, you can follow the steps below to upload it into Xoro:

  • The Default values for required columns can be configured before the upload.
  • If the data in the template is blank or incorrect, then the uploader will fallback and use these specified default values.
  • Click Browse to select the saved CSV template file.
  • After the file has been selected, click Verify & Upload to start importing.
  • While the import is in progress, the summary of the progress will be displayed at the bottom of the screen with the progress bar.
  • After the import has been completed, the result will be displayed with the message for success or error (if any).
  • Vendor Credits will only get uploaded into the system if there are no errors in the file.
  • If there are errors in the file, you can download the error file, fix the errors in the original file and upload it back into Xoro.

Video Tutorial

If you want to batch update the existing data, you can download the existing Vendor Credits by clicking Download Existing Vendor Credits, update the necessary values in the CSV file and upload it back into Xoro.



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