Upload Sales Orders

You have the option of uploading Sales Orders into the system using a csv file. This can be more efficient when getting hundreds of orders into Xoro at once. If you are performing a similar upload often and you find yourself doing a lot of data manipulation in Excel then you might want to request a utility to be built.

  • Download the latest CSV template from the “Upload Sales Orders” module.
  • Copy Sales Orders information into the CSV template.
  • Upload the CSV template into Xoro.

Download the CSV template file

  • Go to Upload Sales Orders using the Search Menu.
  • Click on “Download Template”.

Copy the information into the template

Once you’ve downloaded the template file, you can copy in your data using any spreadsheet software. There are columns that you must complete, and others that are optional. Mandatory fields are marked with a double asterisk (**) prefix.

  • The file must be a CSV (Comma-separated values) file. The name of your file must end with csv.
  • Make sure you don’t change any of the column headings from row 1 in the template – these are needed for the file to import correctly.
  • All date fields will accept a format of MM/DD/YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY.
  • Be mindful of any leading zeros in your data, some spreadsheet software will trim them automatically without notifying you. This can be resolved by ensuring your columns have correct formatting.
  • Sometimes long numbers (UPC, etc.) are formatted as scientific notation. Be sure to change the formatting on this data to display these long numbers correctly.

If you’re importing more than 5,000 records, we recommend you to split up the file.

The Item identifier code column specifies, how the Item number field value of the file will be used to match the Item in the system.

Below are the valid identifier codes to be used:

0 will represent Not Applicable.
1 will represent Item Number.
2 will represent Item UPC.
3 will represent Item Barcode.
4 will represent Alternate item number 1.
5 will represent Alternate item number 2.
6 will represent Alternate item number 3.

Read Here: What is an Item Identifier Code?

Column NameData TypeDescription
**ThirdPartyRefNoText IMPORTANT: Enter a reference number here for the order. Typically, if the order is from an E-Commerce platform or an older system, then the order# from there can be used. Repeat the same number multiple times contiguously to indicate which row(s) belong to one order. Use a new **ThirdPartyRefNo for a new order.
ThirdPartySourceText If the order came from a third party platform, it can be indicated here.
ThirdPartyIconUrlText  Use a URL that ends with “.png” or .”jpg” for an image of the third party source.For example, a Joor order would have a Joor icon.
**SaleStoreNameTextEnter your Sale Store’s (inventory set) name here exactly as it is in Xoro.
StoreNameTextEnter your Ship Store’s (inventory set) name here exactly as it is in Xoro. If this is left blank, then **SaleStoreName will be used.
**CurrencyCode TextEnter a currency for the order. This must match with the customer’s currency. Choose from: USD,CAD,EUR,AUD.For more currencies, contact Xorosoft.
**CustomerNameTextOne of CustomerName, CustomerMainPhone and CustomerEmail Main are mandatory. Enter only one of these fields for the order’s customer. This must match exactly  to how the customer is in Xoro.
CustomerFirstNameTextEnter the CustomerFirstName.
CustomerLastNameText Enter the  CustomerLastName.
CustomerMainPhoneNumericOne of CustomerName, CustomerMainPhone and CustomerEmail Main are mandatory. Enter only one of these fields for the order’s customer.
CustomerEmailMainTextOne of CustomerName, CustomerMainPhone and CustomerEmail Main are mandatory. Enter only one of these fields for the order’s customer.
CustomerPOTextEnter the Customer PO here for the order.
**OrderDateDateThe date of the order, MM-DD-YYYY.
**DateToBeShippedDateThe date on which the order is shipped, MM-DD-YYYY
DateToBeCancelledDateIf the order hasn’t been fulfilled by this date, then it can be  cancelled, MM-DD-YYYY
OrderClassCode TextAn order can belong to a Class (e.g. Wholesale, Retail and E-Commerce). Enter the name of that Class and its Code if you want to categorize your orders. Reports can be generated based on these Classes, which can show how your Wholesale is doing compared to your Retail, E-Commerce, etc. This must match exactly to how the Class Code is setup in Xoro.
OrderClassNameTextAn order can belong to a Class (e.g. Wholesale, Retail,E-Commerce). Enter the name of the Class to categorize your orders. Reports can be generated based on these Classes, which can show how your Wholesale is doing compared to your Retail, E-Commerce, etc. This must match exactly to how the Class Code is setup in Xoro.
OrderTypeCodeTextIf necessary, you can classify the type of order and its code here. This must match exactly to how the Order Type Code is setup in Xoro.
OrderTypeNameTextIf necessary, you can classify the type of order and its name here. This must match exactly to how the Order Type Name is setup in Xoro.
**ExchangeRate TextIf your order currency is the same as your system home currency, then put “1” here. Otherwise put the exchange rate for the order.
MemoTextA memo for the order can be entered here.
PaymentTermsNameTextEnter a payment term from the system for this order. This must match up exactly to a Payment Term in Xoro.
PaymentTermsTypeTextIf necessary, enter the code for the Payment Term here. This must match up exactly to a Payment Term Type in Xoro.
DepositRequiredTypeNameTextIf you require a deposit on this order, select whether that deposit should be an “Amount” or a “Percentage” (without quotes).
DepositRequiredAmountNumericEnter the percentage or amount of deposit required for this order.
RefNoTextEnter a reference number for the order here. This can be an internal reference number, as opposed to a third-party reference number.
TagsTextEnter any tags here for the order and multiple tags can be separated by a comma.
SalesRepIdTextPlease refer to the User Centre in your Xoro system and enter the UserID of the sales rep for this Sales Order. If a Sales Rep does not exist in Xoro yet, you can create them manually from the User module or with the User Upload template.
ShipMethodNameTextEnter a ship method for the order here. Choose from: Pick Up, Delivery(Own Truck) and Delivery(Third Party)
CarrierNameTextIf the ShipMethodName is not Pick Up, enter the Carrier for the order’s shipment exactly as it is in Xoro.
CarrierCodeTextEnter the Carrier Code for the order’s shipment exactly as it is in Xoro.
ShipServiceNameTextEnter the ShipServiceName for the order.
ShipServiceCode TextEnter the ShipServiceCode for the order.
FobNameTextEnter the FobName for the order.
IsOrderTaxExemptTextEnter N to Exempt tax. Enter Y to Active Tax.
ShippingTaxItemCode1TextEnter the ShippingTaxItemCode1 for the Order.
ShippingTaxItemValue1TextEnter the ShippingTaxItemValue1 for the Order.
ShippingTaxItemCode2TextEnter the ShippingTaxItemCode2 for the Order.
ShippingTaxItemValue2TextEnter the ShippingTaxItemValue2 for the Order.
ShippingTaxItemCode3TextEnter the ShippingTaxItemCode3 for the Order.
ShippingTaxItemValue3TextEnter the ShippingTaxItemValue3 for the Order.
ShippingTaxItemCode4TextEnter the ShippingTaxItemCode4 for the Order.
ShippingTaxItemValue4TextEnter the ShippingTaxItemValue4 for the Order.
ShippingTermsNameTextEnter the ShippingTermsName.Choose from: Prepaid, Collect, Prepaid& Billed, Collect& Allowed and Third Party Billing.
ShippingAccountNumberNumericEnter the ShippingAccountNumber here.
ShippingCostNumericEnter the ShippingCost for the Order.   
ShippingNotesTextEnter the ShippingNotes for the Order.
ShipToFirstNameTextEnter the ShipToFirstName for the Order.
ShipToLastNameTextEnter the ShipToLastName for the Order.
ShipToNameTextEnter the ShipToName for the Order.
ShipToCompanyNameTextEnter the ShipToCompanyName for the Order.
ShipToAddrText Enter the ShipToAddress Line 1 for the Order.
ShipToAddr2TextEnter the ShipToAddress Line 2 for the Order.
ShipToCityTextEnter the ShipToCity for the Order.
ShipToCountryTextEnter the ShipToCountry for the Order.
ShipToStateTextEnter the ShipToState for the Order.
ShipToZpCodeTextEnter the ShipToZpCode for the Order.
ShipToPhoneNumberNumericEnter the ShipToPhoneNumber for the Order.
ShipToEmailTextEnter the ShipToEmail for the Order.
BillToFirstName TextEnter the BillToFirstName for the Order.
BillToLastNameTextEnter the BillToLastName for the Order.
BillToNameText Enter the BillToName for the Order.
BillToAddrTextEnter the BillToAddress Line 1 for the Order.
BillToAddr2Text Enter the BillToAddress Line 2 for the Order.
BillToCityTextEnter the BillToCity for the Order.
BillToCountryTextEnter the BillToCountry for the Order.
BillToStateTextEnter the BillToState for the Order.
BillToZpCodeTextEnter the BillToZpCode for the Order.
BillToCompanyNameTextEnter the BillToCompanyName for the Order.
BillToPhoneNumberNumericEnter the BillToPhoneNumber for the Order.
BillToEmailText  Enter the BillToEmail for the Order.
CustomerGroupNameText  Enter the CustomerGroupName for the Order.
**ItemNumberTextThe item’s (SKU) number. This property is unique to this item, another item cannot be created with the same Item Number.
ItemUpc TextThe item’s UPC code.
ItemBrandTextThe item’s Brand.
DescriptionText  The item’s description.
**UnitPriceNumericThe item’s Unit Price.
**QtyNumericThe item’s Qty.
DiscountNumericThe item’s Discount.
DiscountTypeNameTextThe item’s Discount TypeName.
ItemNotesText   Enter the ItemNotes for the Item.
TaxItemCode1TextEnter the TaxItemCode1 for the Item.
TaxItemValue1NumericEnter the TaxItemValue1 for the Item.
TaxItemCode2TextEnter the TaxItemCode2 for the Item.
TaxItemValue2NumericEnter the TaxItemValue2 for the Item.
TaxItemCode3TextEnter the TaxItemCode3 for the Item.
TaxItemValue3NumericEnter the TaxItemValue3 for the Item.
TaxItemCode4TextEnter the TaxItemCode4 for the Item.
TaxItemValue4NumericEnter the TaxItemValue4 for the Item.
DepositAmountNumericEnter the DepositAmount for the Deposit.
DepositAccountNameTextEnter the DepositAccountName for the Account.
LiabilityAccountNameTextEnter the LiabilityAccountName for the Account.
PaymentMethodNameTextEnter the PaymentMethodName for the Method.
AutoDepositTotalAmountNumericEnter the AutoDepositTotalAmount for the Total.
CustomerServiceRepIdTextEnter the CustomerServiceRepId.
ItemCategoryNameTextEnter the ItemCategoryName here.
ItemGroupNameTextEnter the ItemGroupName here.
ItemShippingCostNumericEnter the ItemShippingCost.
ItemShippingTaxItemCode1TextEnter the ItemShippingTaxItemCode1.
ItemShippingTaxItemValue1TextEnter the ItemShippingTaxItemValue1.
ItemShippingTaxItemCode2TextEnter the ItemShippingTaxItemCode2.
ItemShippingTaxItemValue2TextEnter the ItemShippingTaxItemValue2.
ItemShippingTaxItemCode3TextEnter the ItemShippingTaxItemCode3.
ItemShippingTaxItemValue3TextEnter the ItemShippingTaxItemValue3.
ItemShippingTaxItemCode4TextEnter the ItemShippingTaxItemCode4.
ItemShippingTaxItemValue4TextEnter the ItemShippingTaxItemValue4.
ThirdPartyTotalAmountNumericEnter the ThirdPartyTotalAmount.
ImportErrorTextIf there any errors from an upload, they will be listed in this column.

Upload the template

Once you have filled the CSV file with your data, you can follow the steps below to upload it into Xoro:

  • Click Browse to select the saved CSV template file.
  • Then check the Re-Calculate Taxes if you want to re-calculate the taxes based on customer’s default tax code and ignore any tax information provided in the upload file.
  • Also you can check the Apply Pricing Rules if you want to overwrite the prices of order lines with the prices defined in the pricing rules module and ignore any unit price provided in the file. Please note that this can change the order totals.
  • After the file has been selected, click on Upload to start importing.
  • While the import is in progress, the summary of the progress will be displayed at the bottom of the screen with the progress bar.
  • After the import has been completed, the result will be displayed with the message for success or error (if any).
  • Sales Orders will only get uploaded into the system if there are no errors in the file.
  • If there are errors in the file, you can download the error file, fix the errors in the original file and upload it back into Xoro.
  • While uploading Sales Orders, the system will not allow the upload if the Items have their Active & Sellable flags turned Off. Only the Orders with Active and Sellable Items will be uploaded successfully.


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