The Data Export Files can be split, based upon the Identifiers when scheduling a Job.
An Identifier is a key value of the data belonging to a particular module. Following are few a examples of Xoro modules with their Identifiers.
- Wave Detail: Order Number
- ASN Detail: PO Number
- SO Detail: Third-Party Ref No
- PO Detail: Third-Party Ref No
- Item Product Header: Base Part Number
How does it work?
- Navigate to the Data Export Center module.
- Select the file to be exported; here we take the example of exporting the Wave detail.
- Selected 6 Waves, out of which 2 have the same SO#, (Please Note: SO# is the Identifier of the Wave Detail data).
- Now, schedule Export from the options.
- Fill in the required details.
- A checkbox has been added in the Job Scheduler, “Split Files By Identifier“.
Please Note: This check box will only show in the case of exports.
- If this checkbox is set to true, the file will be divided/split into multiple files based on the Identifier (SO# in this case).
- In the above example out of 6 Waves, 2 Waves belong to the same SO.
- Thus the total number of files exported will be 5.
- The multiple files exported will be based upon the identifier on the FTP path and also for Emails.