May 2023: Release Notes

1. Credit Memo: Added the ability to link Invoice
2. Customer Centre: Added a new column to show the status of the Credit Card
3. Short Inventory Planner: Added the column, “Alert Note”
4. Added multiple columns in Item Centre, Item Inventory Snapshot, and Short Inventory Planner modules
5. Receive ASN: Added the column Lot#
6. Purchase Order: Added “Qty Remaining” and “Received%” columns
7. Manufacture Order: Added two fields, “PPE Notes” and “Instructions”
8. B2B Presentation: Added the option to select auto wave method
9. Sales Order Centre: Added the ability to batch update “Date to be Cancelled”
10. Upload Vendor: Add the ability to upload Custom Fields
11. Purchase Order: Adding Vendor Custom Field Mapping with the PO
12. B2B Presentation Centre: Added the ability to select from multiple addresses on the Order Summary page
13. Journal Entry: Added the ability to add Journal Entry without any Entry
14.  Transfer Purchase Order: Added the ability to update Transfer Purchase Order via Upload
15. Short Inventory Planner: Added the column “Tags”
16. Payment Terms: Xoro has integrated with Fuze Payments

We have added a new column, “Invoice Number” in the Credit Memo. This column allows you to link a Credit Memo to the corresponding Invoice. When you only refund the amount, this enhancement simplifies the process of refunding the invoice amount without using the inventory item.

How does it work?

  • Go to the Credit Memo module. The “Invoice Number” column has been added here.
  • You can then enter the Invoice Number in this column to link it to the Credit Memo.
  • If you have used a credit card to pay for the Invoice, you can now refund the Credit Memo amount to the same card.

2. Customer Centre: Added a new column to show the status of the Credit Card

We have introduced a new feature in the Customer Centre called “Card Exp Status”. This feature is added to the Credit Card Report, which is accessible from the Customer Centre Options. The “Card Exp Status” column displays the current status of your credit card, whether it is valid or expired.

How does it work?

  • In the Customer Center, go to Options>Show Credit Card Report.
  • The “Card Exp Status” column has been added to this report, which displays the current status of each card.
  • This feature helps you keep track of the validity of your credit cards and ensures that you are using the correct card for your transactions.

3. Short Inventory Planner: Added the column, “Alert Note”

We have added a new column, in the Short Inventory Planner module. This will show the Alert Note added to the Item. 

4. Added multiple columns in Item Centre, Item Inventory Snapshot, and Short Inventory Planner modules

We have added the following columns in Item Centre, Item Inventory Snapshot, and Short Inventory Planner modules: Last Unit Cost, Last Landed Cost, Last Landed Cost Home Currency, Last Purchase Qty, Last Receipt Date, Last Receipt Currency Code, and Last Receipt Reconciled.

5. Receive ASN: Added the column Lot#

We have added a new column, Lot# in Receive ASN module. This column displays the lot number of items received in the ASN.

How does it work?

  • Create an ASN and proceed to receive it.
  • In the Receive ASN module, click on the “Action” button to navigate to the “Receive Item to Location” screen.
  • On this screen, you will find the new “Lot#” column added.

6. Purchase Order: Added “Qty Remaining” and “Received%” columns

We have made an enhancement to the Purchase Order module by introducing two new columns, “Qty Remaining” and “Received%”, at the Item line level.

The “Qty Remaining” column displays the number of units for each Item that are still to be received. It indicates pending or outstanding units of an Item.

On the other hand, the “Received%” column represents the percentage of units that have been received for each Item. It shows the progress or fulfillment status of the order in terms of the received units.

To illustrate this, let’s consider an example. Suppose you placed an order for 10 units of a particular Item. If you have received 2 units so far, the “Qty Remaining” column would display 8 because there are still 8 units left to be received. In the “Received%” column, it would show 20% because you have received 2 out of the total 10 units, which is equivalent to 20% of the order.

These columns are also added to the Purchase Order Centre at the detail level.

7. Manufacture Order: Added two fields, “PPE Notes” and “Instructions”

The Manufacture Order module has been updated with two new fields called “PPE Notes” and “Instructions” added under the “Other” tab.

These fields are taken from the Bill of Material (BOM).

When the BOM is added to the Manufacture Order, the same information from these fields in the BOM will be automatically populated in the corresponding fields in the Manufacture Order.

Additionally, both of these new fields are also available in the Manufacture Order Centre and the Data Export Centre. However, in the Data Export Centre, the “Instruction” column has been labeled as “MO Instruction”.

8. B2b Presentation: Added the option to select auto wave method

We have introduced a new feature in the Presentation tool that allows users to select an auto-wave method. This feature is designed to streamline the process of creating waves for orders.

How does this work?

  • Navigate to the “Other Attributes” tab of the Presentation. Here, you will find a new dropdown option called “Wave Method.”
  • If the Auto-Wave option is selected, you can further specify how the order should be waved using three different methods: “Full Order(s) Only,” “Full Qty Line(s) Only,” or “Allocate What’s Available.”
  • This works in a similar fashion to the auto-wave process in the regular Sales Order process. As an example, if you select the “Full Order(s) Only” option, the system will create a wave only if there is enough inventory available to fulfill the entire order.

9. Sales Order Centre: Added the ability to batch update “Date to be Cancelled”

We have added the ability to batch update “Date to be Cancelled” in the Sales Order Centre.

This new functionality is available at both the header and detail levels within the Sales Order Centre. 

10. Upload Vendor: Add the ability to upload Custom Fields 

We have implemented the ability to upload Custom Fields for Vendors.

How does it work?

  • Define the Vendor Custom Fields in the Custom Field Definition module.
  • Navigate to the Upload Vendor module and download the provided template.
  • In the template, you will find that the Custom Fields have been added. You can define the Custom Fields and upload the file. (Please note that in the Upload file, the field name for Custom Fields will be CustomFieldH1, CustomFieldH2, CustomFieldH3… It will not contain the name you have given to these fields).
  • The Custom Field data can be accessed in both the Vendor module and the Vendor Centre. 

11. Purchase Order: Adding Vendor Custom Field Mapping with the PO

We have added the ability to map Vendor Custom Fields with the Purchase Order Details Custom Fields.

With this added ability, the Custom Fields created for Vendor will be retrieved in the Purchase Order at the Item line level.

How does it work?

  • Define the Custom Fields for the “Vendor” and “Purchase Order Details” Transaction Types.
  • Navigate to the Custom Field Mapping module and establish the mapping between the Custom Fields for Vendor and Purchase Order Detail.
  • Once the mapping is done, the Custom Field data will be fetched in the Purchase Order at the Item line level, provided it has been added to the Vendor.

12. B2b Presentation Centre: Added the ability to select from multiple addresses on the Order Summary page

You can now select from multiple addresses on the Order Summary page in the Presentation Centre.

This enhancement provides you with the flexibility to choose the desired Shipping and Billing addresses when dealing with customers who have multiple addresses.

How does it work?

  • Navigate to the B2B Portal, add Item(s) to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  • In the Order Summary page, a dropdown has been added for Shipping and Billing Addresses.
  • You can select the Shipping and Billing address for the particular order from here.

13. Journal Entry: Added the ability to add Journal Entry without any Entity

When creating a Journal Entry, it was mandatory to add the Entity name for AP and AR accounts (like Vendor or Customer).

We have enhanced the Journal Entry functionality and added the ability to add the Journal Entry without any entity.

This functionality is enabled from the backend. If you would like to utilize this feature, kindly reach out to us, and we will activate it for you.

14. Transfer Purchase Order: Added the ability to update Transfer Purchase Order via Upload

We have added the ability to update the Transfer Purchase Order via upload. To facilitate this functionality, we have introduced two new columns, “VoidandCreate” and “KeepOriginalOrderNumber” in the upload template.

Please note that only orders in the Open or Released status can be updated.

How does it work?

  • Navigate to the Upload Transfer Purchase Order module.
  • Download the template and fill in the details of the TPO that you want to update.
  • In the “VoidAndCreate” column, input the value “Y”. This will void the existing Order and create a new order with the updated information.
  • If you want to keep the original Order number, input the value “Y” in the column “KeepOriginalOrderNumber”. Alternatively, input “N” to change the Order number.
  • Upload the file, and the Order will be successfully updated.

15. Short Inventory Planner: Added the column “Tags”

We have added the column “Tags” in the Short Inventory Planner. Now, you can see the tags associated with an Item in this module and well as filter the Item using the tags.

16. Payment Gateway: Xoro has integrated with Fuze Payments

Xoro now supports an additional payment gateway, Fuze Payments to provide you with a more diverse and convenient option to make your payments.

How to connect Fuze payments with Xoro

  • In the Manage Payment Services module, under the “Add Services” tab, “Connect” with the “3 Verticals” (Fuze Payment) Payment Gateway.
  • You will be prompted to choose an “Account Name” and fill in the “Fuze Account ID” provided to you. After filling in the details, hit “Connect”. (Please note that currently Fuze Payments only supports USD payments.
  • Once Fuze Payments is integrated into Xoro, it will be shown under “Active Services”.
  • From here, you can set up the Payment Account.
  • Additionally, there are options to set the service as default or to delete it under the Actions column.

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