March 2021 Release Notes

1. The approval process for validating the B2B/Portal users

An App Config setting has been added to authorize the new user while signing up for the B2B presentation. This enhancement allows only the approved portal users to sign up in the application.

When a user signs up or registers for the B2B presentation,  the system will send a notification to the approver for signup approval.

How does it work?

  • In the App config module under the B2B tab,  find the setting “Use Portal signup authorization“.

  • By allowing this, a notification will be sent to the portal signup approver, to approve the portal signup.
  • “Portal signup approver email(s)” in the App Config defines the email of the approver to whom the notification will be sent.

Validating the new Portal Account

  • On the Sign-up page, fill in the details; Email and Password.

  • The pop-up message asking for validating the email through a link emailed will appear.

  • Verify the Email.

  • After validating the Email, a request is sent to the approver’s email that is set in the App Config.

  • This is how the Approver receives the email.

  • After approval, the requester (portal user) receives another email confirming the sign-up.

2. Data Export format: Added Custom fields.

Added Custom Fields into the Export templates in the following modules:

  • Sales modules, (header, & detail),
  • Customer,
  • Item,
  • Invoice (header, & detail),
  • Wave detail, and
  • Purchase Order

When exporting the data from the “Data Export Centre“, the “Custom Fields” column will be available for the above modules in the exported data.

See the examples of these templates below:

Sales Order:





Note: The Sales Order detail custom fields are added into the Wave detail template.

Purchase Order:

The “Custom fields” column can be searched from the “Advance Search” option in the Data Export Centre module.

This applies to all the above-mentioned modules.



3. Sub-Total by Section

An App Config setting has been added to calculate the Sub-Total amount for the specific lines after the previous subtotal row. If this app config is not turned on, the system includes the previous subtotal amount in the new subtotal whereas in this case, the system will group lines and show subtotal by each section.

How Does it Work?

  • Turn ON the setting from the “App Config” module under the “general settings”.
  • Now Open/Create a Sales Order.
  • Add an Item with the Item Type “Sub Total” from the Add Item option.

  • The Subtotal amount can be calculated by adding the subtotal type row.

This feature is available in the Estimate, Invoice, Purchase Order, Bill, Item Receipt modules.


4. Ability to send Packing Slip along with Invoice

New functionality is provided to send the Invoice and the Packing slip together while shipping or adding to the email queue from the Invoice Centre.

An App Config has been added to achieve this.  Search for this Config called “Auto email packing slip along with the Invoice” under the Sales tab.

When this app config is ON, it will give an ability to email Packing Slip and Invoice at the same time from Invoice Center.

  • Use the ‘Add to email Queue’ feature from the Invoice Centre.
  • A new dropdown for ‘Packing Slip Template‘ will be available while selecting the Reporting Template.

Also, when any Sales Order is Shipped the Packing Slip is sent with the Invoice email.

Note: Invoice emails are sent when the “Auto Email ship confirmation on Pack and Ship” setting is on in the Config.

5. Added a new Column in Item Inventory snapshot: Customer PO on SO detail

Added Customer PO number column under the “On SO” detail in the Item Inventory Snapshot module.

6. New App Config for Waving to Sales Rep

A new setting is created in the system to notify the Sales Rep when an Order is Waved in Xoro.

How does it work?

  • Added an App config setting under the Sales Module “Auto email send confirmation on SO allocation“.

  • When this config is ON, an email will be sent to the Sales Rep with the Pick Wave document on Sales Order Allocation.

When this config is ON another config “Send additional email on SO Allocation” will come into play to define the Emails which will receive the allocation details in addition to Sales Rep.

  • Multiple Emails can be added by comma-separating the Email ids.
  • Sales Order allocation email with the Pick Wave document will be sent to users defined in this setting.
  • Mail will be sent to all the comma-separated email Ids along with the Pick Wave document.

Note: Even if there are no Email Ids added, the Sales rep will receive the Allocation Confirmation Email.

7. Value Added Service Items now support GL coding

Providing the ability to add a separate Account for the VAS (Value Added Services) items.

We can now add the “Income Account” and the “Expense Account” under the VAS Item details.

Select the Income Account and the Expense Account from the dropdowns available under these fields.

Note: Income and Expense Account is an optional field while creating a VAS item.

A separate Income transaction will be created for the Item and VAS Item if an Income Account is defined for the VAS Item.

On the other hand, if the Income Account for the VAS item has not been defined, the system will add the cost of the VAS item into the item for accounting transactions.

8. Add Item: The Kit Header dropdown

In Sales Order, after adding a kit, the “Add Item” popup shows a “Kit Header” dropdown.

A Toggle Button has been added to add or remove the Kit Header.

If the Toggle button is turned Off, the Kit Header dropdown will show nothing selected or all the Item Types.

Previously, that dropdown would automatically pick up the kit name for all the Item Types.

9. B2B: Address Change/Update permission to Customers

Added new functionality to Hide/View the option to “Update the Shipping/Billing address under the B2B online Customer portal”.

Based on the setting, the Billing/Shipping address can or cannot be accessed.

How does it work?

  • Navigate to the App Config module under B2B, look for the “Show customer default address” setting.
  • When the setting is turned ON, the option to update the shipping address is available in the customer portal.

  • When the setting is turned OFF, the option to update the shipping address will not be available in the customer portal.



10. Ship Package Type: “Active” column 

Added an”Is Active?” checkbox in the “Ship Package Type” module. This allows you to make certain Ship package types inactive.

This “Is Active?” column is also available in the Ship Package Type Centre.

Note: If the existing Ship Package Type is being utilized in any Sales Order, then it can’t be changed to inactive.

The system will give the following error:



11. Cheque Centre: “Is Reconciled”? flag

Added “Is Reconciled?” column in the Cheque Centre.

This column will be checked for the reconciled payments.


Also, from the Advanced Search option, the reconciled cheques can be searched.



12. Ability to create a customer with the same name & email (with different currency codes)

Added functionality to Add/Update the Customer, even if the Customer with the same Name and Email Ids already exists in the system provided the currency codes are different. This will Shopify etc Customers to be synced properly even if they order in different currencies.

How does it work?

Navigate to the Create Customer module, create a Customer with the same Name and Email.

The system will allow creating this Customer.

This functionality also works while uploading the Customers from the “Upload Customers” module.

Note: Xoro will accept different Customers with the same Name and Emails only if they have a different Currency Code. 


13. Inventory Change Log: SO number

Added SO number column into the Inventory Change Log module for the Transaction Type “Invoice”.

This will show the respective SO’s for that particular Invoice.


14. Customer Portal Branding

Providing the ability to add/update the company logo within the Customer Portal along with the Xorosoft logo.

The Company logo can be added from the Company info page.

To add/update the Company logo, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to the “Company Info” module.
  • At the bottom right of the page, there is the option to upload the Company logo.


  • Uploading it will add the logo to the Customer Portal.



15. Bill payment: Memo field

Added a MEMO field in the Bill Payment module.

The column for the memo field is also available in the Bill Payment Centre.

Added memo field to Bill Payment Receipt as well.



16. Serial Number Centre

Serial numbers can be tracked easily in Xoro and can be found in “Serial Number Centre”.

You can Grant Access to this module from the Access manager.

The serial numbers added in the Invoice and Credit Memo can be viewed in the Serial Number Centre.

In the Invoice Centre, right-click on the Invoice and click on Show Serial Number(s), it will redirect to the Serial Number Centre with the filtered data for that particular Invoice.



17. Manufacturing Order: The Title column

Added “Title” column in the Manufacturing Order Centre.

This corresponds to the Title of the Item added in the Manufacturing Order.


18. Notification for manually created Item Receipt

A notification email can now be sent for the manually created Item Receipts.

How does it work?

We have created a new App Config setting, “Send notification for manually created Item Receipt to following emails.”

Find this App Config under the Purchase tab.


This App config accepts comma-separated emails. Enter the emails that will receive the Item Receipt notification.

When a new Item Receipt is manually created in the system, an email will be sent to all those emails which have been entered in the app config.


19. Sales Order: Presentation and Campaign columns addition

Added Presentation and Campaign dropdown fields in the Sales Order. You can assign/update Sales Orders to existing/new presentations and campaigns for tracking purposes.

An App Config setting, Allow editing Presentation/Campaign name in Sales Order’.

This will allow editing the Presentation/Campaign name in Sales Order.

When this config is turned ON, these fields (Presentation/Campaign ) will be editable in the SO.

If this config is turned OFF, these fields (Presentation/Campaign ) will not be editable in the SO.

Note: This dropdown will be enabled only in the case of saved Sales Orders.  For unsaved SOs, these will be disabled by default.



20. Commission Report Centre: Customer Name & Payment Date

Added Customer Name (Entity) & Payment Date columns in the Commission Report Centre.

You can add these fields from the nine dots icon on the right side of the report.



21. B2B – Notifying B2B customers when their Total checkout amount is approaching the next Discount Tier

Based on the Discount Rule defined in the Presentation, we have added a new field “Amount For Alert” (It will always be less than the “From Amount”).

Find this feature in the Discount Rules tab of the B2B Presentation.

For example, if a 10% discount is allowed for the purchase above 1000$, a notification will be given to the Customer if the total amount added in the Order reaches 800$ (the amount added in the “Amount for Alert” column).

Based on the discount rule, a popup will be shown while submitting the Order in the Customer portal.

The alert message would be – “You can get a 10% discount if you shop more “the amount” (From Amount – Cart Amount)”. 


22. Item Centre/ Customer Centre: Batch Update options

Few new Batch Update fields have been added in the Item and the Customer Centres.

  • The following fields are added under the Batch update option of the Item Centre:

Brand, Item Category, Group, & WIP Account

Note: In the case of the WIP account, if the Item is a raw material only then it can be batch updated. 

  • The following fields are added under the Batch update option of Customer Centre:

Payment Terms, Customer Group, Order Type, Tags, & Shipping Terms

Note: The Batch Update Shipping Terms will not be allowed if the Shipping Method is “Pick Up”.



23. Ship Confirmation Emails: Company Email/User Email

An App Config setting has been made to allow sending the Ship Confirmation Emails from the User or the Company Email.

While sending the Ship confirmation email to the Customers, you can now select which Email to be used to send it; the User Email or the Company’s Email. 

How does it work?

Navigate to the “App Config” module, under the Sales tab, find the setting “Ship Confirmation Email Source“.

The Ship Confirmation email will be sent to the Customer, according to the App config setting- User/Company.

Note: If the User email is not defined, all the Ship Confirmation emails will be sent through the Company email.


24. Item: Save button for Item pricing 

In the Item Subview form, the newly added fields under the Pricing Tab can now be saved.

This table will have a save button for saving added fields.



25. Customer PO # added to Pack&Ship and Pick Wave module

Added Customer PO number in the Pack and Ship, and the Pick Wave modules.

Pack & Ship

Note: In the Pick Wave module, if there is more than 1 Customer PO# then they will be placed in comma-separated format.

Pick Wave



26. Product Matrix Generator: The “Title” column 

Added “Title” Column in the Product Matrix Generator module.

The Title column will be visible for the Product having the same base part number.



27.  Pack and Cartonize: The “Title” column 

Added Title column in the Pack and Cartonise Section.

Note: The title column will only show when “variants” are enabled.


28. Manufacturing: Changed Lot# Nomenclature

The nomenclature of the Lot number, generated on creating an MO has been changed to the combination of Month and Year of the “Production date” in the MO. 



29. Item Inventory Snapshot – Function to Download

Added the function to download the information in the Item Inventory Snapshot when we click on the ” On SO”  and the “On PO” columns.


You can now download all the information under the “On SO” and “On PO” details.



30. Batch LPN Auto Merge from Inventory By Location Centre

Added an option to select multiple records and auto-merge LPN by grouping Item & Location.

Earlier we have given the functionality to merge LPN for the same Item and Location. Now an additional feature of Batch merging the LPNs is also provided.


How does it work? 

  • Navigate to the “Inventory By Location” Centre.
  • Select multiple records.
  • Click Options, and select “Merge LPNs”.


  • Select the Primary LPNs for the different Items and Locations.

  • Click Save.
  • The LPNs will be merged.

Note: This feature will work with the “Enable LPN” app config turned ON.


The LPNs cannot be merged if:

  1. Secondary LPN is with allocated Qty is more than 0.
  2. LPN is linked to an MO.



31. Block SO for Inactive Customers

The SOs cannot be created for the InActive customers.

The system won’t allow creating SOs for the Inactive Customers from the “Customer Info” or “Customer Centre” modules.

Customer Info: 

Customer Centre: 



32. Access Key for Customer Info: Communication Tab

Added access key for the “Communication” tab in the “Customer info” module.

In the “Access Manager” module, under the Sales–Customer section, find the “Communication Tab“.

Uncheck the “Communication” box, to deny access to the Communication Tab.

The Access can be granted or denied to the different Recipient Types: Users, Roles, or Profiles.



33. ASN Enhancement

While exporting data from the “Data Export Centre” certain new fields are introduced under the “ASN Detail” downloads.

How does it work? 

Navigate to the “Data Export Centre” Switch to ASN Detail.

The following columns have been added in the export files under the ASN detail.

1. Customer.

2. Customer Email.

3. Return Code.

4. ASN Type.


Note: This column will be applicable only to the ASNs generated from the RMAs. 


34. Short Inventory planner SO detail: Address Columns

Added, “Ship to Name”, “Bill to Name”, “Promise Date”,& “Address Instruction notes”(Custom Notes) in the SO details.

The “Ship To Name” and the “Bill To Name” will be the names mentioned in the Ship to & Bill to addresses respectively.



35. Data Export : PO Details ETA Date

A new column is added in the PO export format- “PO Line Date Expected Delivery“.

On creating a Transfer Purchase Order, if the Expected Delivery Date is different for header Level and Item line level, the exported data from the “Data Export Centre” will have the Item Line level ETA date under the “PO Line Date Expected Delivery” column.


36. Bug Fixed: Create Customer, Address field

When a new customer is created from an existing Customer’s page, by clicking the “Create New” tab, the State dropdown will populate on changing the country from the dropdown.

Previously the State dropdown was not populating on changing of a country.


37. Added Item Barcode field to Advanced Search in Various Centers

Added Item Bar Code Search field under the “Advance Search” and “Quick Search” options in the following modules:


  • Item Inventory snapshot module

  • Short Inventory Planner


  • Inventory by location


38. Short Inventory Planner – Item Category

Added “Item Category” field in the Advance Search under the Short Inventory Planner module.


39. Data Export: Invoice Detail (Memo)

Added Memo field under the “Invoice Detail” export template when downloading from the Data Export Centre.



40. Brand Level access for B2B portal customers

Added functionality to restrict customers from selecting certain Brands in the B2B module

Also added two fields in customer uploads “Is Restricted” and “Brands“.


How does it work? 

  • Open the Customer page, under the Portal tab.
  • Select Brands from the “Brands” dropdown for restricting the Brands.

  • Below is the checkbox.
  • If checked, it will restrict the Customers to see the products belonging to the above-selected Brands in the B2B ordering module.

  • Navigate to B2B > Presentation Centre.
  • Brands will show up according to the restriction checkbox.
  • If checked then it will restrict the selected brands.
  • If unchecked then it will show the selected brands.

Also added “Brands” and “Is Restricted” fields in the Advanced search option, on the Customer page.



41. Short Inventory Planner Enhancements

Enhancements have been made in the Short Inventory Planner module.

Find the detailed information below:

  • Added options to quick search by Default Vendor and Base Part# in the SIP module.

  • Added a dropdown to switch between the Purchasable Items and Manufacturable Items under the “All Items” column in SIP.

  • Added an option to create PO by default vendor from SIP.

Note: if the multiple items have different default vendors then it will create multiple POs as per their default vendor.

Also, If the items have a different store it will show an error that the “store must be the same”.

  • In the case of creating PO by default vendor, it will get directly linked to the SO.
  • This linking can be seen from the “Order Linking Centre”.

  • In the case of creating a new PO added a checkbox (“link SO to PO”) if the checkbox is checked then that PO will be linked to SO if the checkbox is unchecked it will not.

  • Added a column “Purchasable Item” in SIP also added in the Advance Filter for the same.


42. Automatic Payment Reminders for Due Invoices 

AR tasks can be handled easily and customers can be reminded of the automation schedule in regards to their unpaid Invoices.

In addition, you can customize the email templates for reminders in the “Email Templates” module

Created 3 App Configs

Enable invoice due reminder emails

If this setting is enabled, the customers will receive the invoice due reminder emails daily at the time specified by “Due/Overdue Invoice Reminder Time”. You can also specify the number of days the email should be sent before the email is due using the app config “Invoice due reminder email interval in days”.

Invoice due reminder email interval in days

You can specify the interval at which the system should send the email reminders for due invoices in the upcoming days. You can send multiple reminders by entering the days represented by the comma. For example (7,3,0). This means the system will remind the customer 7 days before, then 3 days before, and then on the due date until the invoice is marked as paid.

Due/Overdue Invoice Reminder Time

The Due and Overdue Invoice reminder emails will be sent to the customers at this time daily (Format – HH:MM).



43. Bug Fix: Column reset for Saved Tables

We have added a fix to prevent the auto-resetting of columns after the update.

44. Reverse Bank Reconciliation

We have added a feature to allow reverse bank reconciliation from Xoro to the Bank.

This allows one Xoro Line to be reconciled against multiple bank lines.


45. Edits in Shopify Orders are automatically synced to Xoro

Following edits in Shopify are now automatically synced to Xoro

  • Add Qty
  • Reduce Qty
  • Add a Line
  • Removing a Line


46. Automatic Payment Reminders for Overdue Invoices 

Enable invoice overdue reminder emails

If this setting is enabled, the customers will receive the invoice overdue reminder emails daily at the time specified by “Due/Overdue Invoice Reminder Time”. You can also specify the number of days the email should be sent after the email is due using the app config “Overdue invoices reminder email interval in days”.

Overdue invoices reminder email interval in days

You can specify the interval at which the system should send the email reminder for overdue invoices. For example: If you enter 3, the system will remind the customer every 3rd day until the invoice is marked as paid. The first email will be sent on the 3rd day after the due date of the invoice.

Due/Overdue Invoice Reminder Time

The Due and Overdue Invoice reminder emails will be sent to the customers at this time daily (Format – HH:MM).

In addition, you can customize the email templates for reminders in the “Email Templates” module




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