Item UPC Validation during Creating/Editing/ Items & Uploading Products

Item UPC column will allow values only as per the expression defined in the app config setting. 

Users can specify the regular expression which system will use to validate Item UPC when creating/updating Items(s). For example ([0-9]{12}). This means the item UPC should be 12 digits from 0 to 9. 

How does it work? 

  • Navigate to Item UPC Validation App config from app config module and enter a regular expression (Reg-Expression).
  • Now navigate to item centre open any existing item or create new item, in inventory tab, enter values in UPC column. It should be according to the expression filled in app config.
  • This also applies while uploading products.
  • If the entered Values are not as per app config, it will give error “Cannot complete request, Item UPC validation defined in-app config does not match with entered Item UPC”.

  • If no expression is defined in the config then it will work as it is working before.


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