There is an App Config setting to restrict the login access of certain IP addresses.
You will find this setting Under the “Security” tab of the App Config module.
- By turning ON this setting “Use IP Restriction” you will enable the feature of restricting the IP addresses in the system.
- In the “IP Restriction Approval Email(s)” you can set the email address(s), that are going to receive the email to grant access to that particular IP.
- In the Email Template module you can set up the Email template for both IP Restriction and IP Added to whitelist.
- In the IP restriction management module you can add the User name and IP address while adding IP addresses make sure they are IPV4 and IPV6 addresses only.
- When IP is blocked it’s going to show a blocked page (send request).
- After the request is successfully sent the emails added in the App Config will receive the confirmation email.
- After granting access the same link will expire.