What do all the Inventory Levels mean?

Your Xoro system calculates many different inventory levels, each with its own functionality and purpose. The descriptions below explain each one:

  • Not Available: A “Not Available” item is considered to be damaged or not sellable in some way. Therefore it is categorized separately from “Available”. These items are usually stored in a damaged location or separate from regularly stocked goods.
  • Available: An “Available” item is considered to be regular on-hand inventory that can be sold. Please note that Available + Not Available = On Hand.
  • On Hand = Available + Not Available. Total goods both undamaged and damaged.
  • Net Available = Available – Allocated (this can never be a negative quantity). This is essentially the units left after allocation/waving.
  • ATS = Available – On Released SO. The Available units after being added to a Released Sales Order.
  • ATS (Inc PO) = Available – On Released SO + On Released PO. The Available units after being added to a Released Sales Order plus what is on a Released Purchase Order.
  • In Receiving: These are items that are on an Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN), so they are in the process of being put away into their storage locations. Once an ASN is closed they will become “Available” inventory.
  • On SO: These are items that are on released sales orders, but they haven’t been shipped yet. Once they are shipped, they will no longer be “On SO”. Closing a SO will remove units from “On SO”.
  • In Picking/Allocated: Items that are in “In Picking” are on Waves and are in the process of being picked. Once the item has been shipped or produced in a manufacturing order, it will no longer be “In Picking” – instead it will be deleted from the system in the case of shipment and added to the system in the case of production.
  • On PO (Draft): These items are on open purchase orders. Once the PO is released, then these items will go over to “On PO”. Closing a PO will remove units from “On PO (Draft)”.
  • On PO: These items are on released purchased orders. Closing a PO will remove units from “On PO”.

View the video below for a walkthrough of the above:


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