The Inventory Adjustment module can be used when the inventory for an SKU needs to be increased or decreased. This module is typically used during inventory counts and when discrepancies in the inventory are found.
For using this module you have 3 methods:
- Qty,
- Asset Value, and
- Qty+Value.
Be mindful of the Adjustment Account and the Date while performing an adjustment.
The Inventory Adjustment Module
Inventory Adjustment Header
- Store: The store from which to retrieve the locations.
- Item Number: The item you are trying to adjust.
- Adjustment Date: The date of the adjustment.
- Adjustment Account: The adjustment account will be fetched from the item when it is selected.
- Memo: A memo for the adjustment can be added here.
- Reason Code: A reason code for the adjustment.
- Adjustment Type: An adjustment can be made in 3 different ways. Quantity will adjust the on-hand from a location, Value will adjust the item’s asset, and Quantity & Value will adjust both.
- Ref#: A reference number can be added here for the adjustment.
Adjust By Quantity (this section will only appear for Quantity and Quantity & Value type adjustments)
- Add New Location: Click this button to add a new quantity to a new location.
The descriptions below are for the column headings:
- Store: The location’s store.
- Item Number: The item’s number.
- Location: The location’s name.
- Class: The location’s class.
- Type: The type of location.
- On Hand: The on-hand quantity of the item for this location.
- Available: The available quantity of the item for this location.
- Allocated: The quantity on a wave(s) for this location.
- Net Available: Available – Allocated.
- New Qty: Enter the new quantity for this item at this location.
- Diff: New Qty – Available.
Adjust By Value (this section will only appear for Value and Quantity & Value type adjustments)
- Item Number: The item’s number.
- Total Asset Value: The total asset value of the item.
- New Value: The new total asset value of the item.
- Diff: New Value – Total Asset Value.
Adjustment Summary
- Total Original Asset Value: The item’s current total asset value from all stores.
- Total Original On Hand: The item’s current total on-hand quantity from all stores.
- Original Average Cost: The current average cost of the item.
- Value Adjustment: The amount the asset value is being adjusted by.
- Quantity Adjustment: The amount the quantity is being adjusted by.
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