How to set automatic Payment Reminders for Due/Overdue Invoices?

AR tasks can be handled easily and customers can be reminded of the automation schedule in regards to their unpaid Invoices.

In addition, you can customize the email templates for reminders in the “Email Templates” module.

Payment Reminders for Due Invoices.

The 4 App Configs under the “Sales” tab:


  • Enable invoice due reminder emails

If this setting is enabled, the customers will receive the invoice due reminder emails daily at the time specified by “Due/Overdue Invoice Reminder Time”. You can also specify the number of days the email should be sent before the email is due using the app config “Invoice due reminder email interval in days”.

  • Invoice due reminder email interval in days

You can specify the interval at which the system should send the email reminders for due invoices in the upcoming days. You can send multiple reminders by entering the days represented by the comma. For example (7,3,0). This means the system will remind the customer 7 days before, then 3 days before, and then on the due date until the invoice is marked as paid.

  • Due/Overdue Invoice Reminder Time

The Due and Overdue Invoice reminder emails will be sent to the customers at this time daily (Format – HH:MM).

  • Enable Daily Invoice Emails

If this setting is on, the system will send invoice emails once per day to the customers at the time specified in the app config. This will only send emails for invoices created on the same day and for which emails have not been sent already. You can disable this feature per customer by disabling this setting on the customer level. (Note: This is helpful for the situation where order tracking information is entered at the later stage after marking the order as shipped.)

Payment Reminders for Overdue Invoices.

  • Enable invoice overdue reminder emails

If this setting is enabled, the customers will receive the invoice overdue reminder emails daily at the time specified by “Due/Overdue Invoice Reminder Time”. You can also specify the number of days the email should be sent after the email is due using the app config “Overdue invoices reminder email interval in days”.

  • Overdue invoices reminder email interval in days

You can specify the interval at which the system should send the email reminder for overdue invoices. For example: If you enter 3, the system will remind the customer every 3rd day until the invoice is marked as paid. The first email will be sent on the 3rd day after the due date of the invoice.

  • Due/Overdue Invoice Reminder Time: The Due and Overdue Invoice reminder emails will be sent to the customers at this time daily (Format – HH:MM).


In addition, you can customize the email templates for reminders in the “Email Templates” module.


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