How to limit User access to Inventory/Store on all the Inventory modules?

User’s access can be limited to different Inventory modules so that they are able to view only those Inventory/Stores that they’ve been granted permission to access.

Created an App Config “Restrict Inventory By User Store-Mapping” under Inventory Tab.

How does it work? 

  • Navigate to the App Config module.
  • Under the Inventory tab look for the setting “Restrict Inventory By User Store-Mapping“.

  • If this setting is enabled, only then the stores will be restricted by User-Store mapping.
  • Now, navigate to the User-Store Mapping module.
  • Map the Store(s) with the User(s).

For example, here we mapped the Store ABC with a User.

The setting will be implemented in the following inventory modules:

  1. Inventory Movement,
  2. Item Inventory Snapshot,
  3. Inventory By Location,
  4. Inventory Change Log,
  5. Short Inventory Planner,
  6. Inventory Adjustment Centre

The User will be able to access only the Store ABC in all the above-mentioned modules.

  • Inventory Movement

  • Item Inventory Snapshot

  • Inventory By Location

  • Inventory Change Log

  • Short Inventory Planner

  • Inventory Adjustment

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