On a Sales Order, an Item Quantity can be specified, indicating how much should be waved and how much should be kept on backorder. The item can be placed on backorder even if it is in stock.
About the feature:
- Column at sales order line level i.e. BackOrder Quantity.
- BackOrder Qty column in the sales order Centre (SO Detail).
- Batch backorder qty options under options in the sales order module(SO Detail).
- 2 app config’s under the sales tab:
- Enable BackOrder Qty on SO: If this setting is on the User can block the item qty to be waved/shipped.
- Block Operations on the item to be waved/shipped for BackOrder Qty: Block Operations on the item to be waved/shipped for BackOrder Qty.
This config has two options i.e. Create Wave, Ship
a) Create Wave: If the user selected this option then the user can only allocate the remaining qty (qty-backorder) qty.
For Example, OrderQty=10, BackOrderQty= 6, Output (10 – 6) = 4 (User can allocate 4 units).
Eg2: OrderQty= 10, BackOrderQty= 6, QtyShipped= 3, Output (10 – 6 – 3) = 1 (User can allocate 1 unit).
The following
- Full Order Only – User cannot create wave if backorder qty > 0
- Allocate full lines – User cannot create wave if backorder qty > 0
- Allocate what’s available lines – Allocate (remaining qty – backorder qty)
- Manual Wave – Only allow remaining (qty – qty backorder) to add to the wave
b) Ship: If the user selected this option then the User can allocate full qty but can only ship/pick the remaining (qty-backorder) qty.
For Example, OrderQty=10, BackOrderQty= 6, QtyAllocated=10, Output: 4 (User can ship/pick 4 units.
In case both options are selected in the app config i.e. Create Wave & Ship:
For Example, OrderQty=10, BackOrderQty= 6, QtyAllocated= (10 – 6= 4), Output= 4 User can ship/pick 4 units.