The following Accounts & Configuration will be used in XoroERP. This can be changed later.
Link items containing the following tag (s): It will create/update only those Items in Woo-Commerce whose tags are selected from the tag list drop-down. The Items with the selected Tags will be linked with Woo-Commerce and only these items will be getting affected by any type of change or update in Xoro to Woo-Commerce.
Export Customers to XoroERP:
This will export the customer from Woo-Commerce to Xoro when an Order/Invoice is dropped.
There are two options by which the Customers can be exported in Woo-Commerce:
- The first is to export individual Customers from every Order created in Woo-Commerce.
- Another is to use a Single Default Customer to export all the Orders. If the option to use the default Customer is selected, then you need to define the Default Customer’s Name that is to be used to export all Customers/Orders from Woo-Commerce to XoroERP.
Please note that the Shipping or Billing Address will not get affected, they will be unique to the Customers.
Account Receivable: Enter the Account Receivable from the list of Accounts. This Account will be used for recording all the “Amount Receivable” Transactions.
Default Currency: You can set the default Currency for the Customers by selecting a Currency from the default Currency drop-down.
Export Orders to XoroERP:
On Uncheck, it will not export any order from Woo-Commerce to Xoro
If Checked, it shows few filter options which help to export the Woo-Commerce Orders. You can select Filter Name from the list (Ship To Country, Is POS order, Fulfillment channel), Operator from the list (Contains, Equals, Not Equals, Is Empty, Is Not Empty) and enter a Value to make a custom filter to export the required Orders.
Also, you can add more filters by using the “+” button as well as remove filters by using the “-” button.
The Orders with the applied filter values will be Exported to Xoro from Woo-Commerce.
Sale Store: You can select a Sale Store from the list that will be used to drop Orders/Invoices from Woo-Commerce to Xoro.
Ship Store: You can select a Ship Store from the list that will be used to drop Orders/Invoices from Woo-Commerce to Xoro.
Return Store: Select a Store that will be used as the default Return Store for all the Returns made on Woo-Commerce.
Return Location: Choose a Location that will be used as the default Return Location.
Third-Party Return Source: This is the Third Party App in Woo-Commerce that will be used to handle the Returns. Currently, only Return Logic is supported.
Payment Account: Select a dedicated Account from the list to record Payments Received for all the Sales in Woo-Commerce. All sales transactions will be made using this Account.
Liability Account: Select a dedicated Account from the list to record all the Liabilities. When Deposits are taken, liability is increased in this Account and when the Deposits are applied, Liability is decreased.
Gift Card Account: Select a dedicated Account for recording all the Gift card Transactions.
Note: For Gift Card Orders, liability is increased in this Account. When they are applied, liability is decreased.
Shipping Expense: Select a particular Account to keep track of all the Shipping Expenses such as Shipping Returns on an Order.
Exempt Tax Code: It defines whether the Order is exempt from Sales tax or not, if yes then select Tax Exempt otherwise select a valid Sales Tax Code according to State/Province for an order such as GST, PST, H, or standard.
Tax Calculation Type: It defines whether the Tax calculated on an Order is based on Origin, Destination, or Combination of both i.e. Origin Hybrid.
Project/Class: Project/class will be assigned to all the Orders such as Online, Retail, Wholesale, or Activation. This can be used to sort the Payments and Refunds for Accounting and Reporting purposes.
Return SKU: Enter the SKU name that will be used in the case of Returns when no SKU was provided.
Default SKU: Enter the SKU name that will be used in the case of the Woo-Commerce Orders when no SKU was provided.
Use default SKU when SKU not found in Xoro: When the SKU is not found in Xoro it will use the above-defined default SKU. Only if the check box below is marked checked the above-defined Default SKU will be used to drop Orders.
Tax Country: Select a Tax Operation Country from the Country list such as Canada or the United States so that it can apply tax according to country.
Tax States: Enter the State name so that it can apply Tax according to the state(s) defined. You can enter more than one State(s) using “,”.
Default Sales Rep: Select a Sales Rep from the list that will be set as a default Sales Rep for the Customer account.
Default Payment Terms: Select a payment term from the list such as COD, 50% deposit, or NET 10 that will be applied by default on the Orders.
Default Carrier: Select a Carrier from the list such as FedEx or UPS to set as the default carrier for all the Woo-Commerce Orders.
Default Ship Service: Select Shipping Services from the list such as FedEx Economy, UPS 2 DAY, and others to set default Ship Service used for all the Woo-Commerce Orders.
Map Shipping Service defaults by Country: You can set Country-wise Shipping Service default. It includes three filters named Country Code ( Please enter ISO Alpha 2 in the Country Code ie: US, CA, etc. ), Carrier, and Ship Service where you can set the Country’s Carrier and Ship Service. There is an option to add more custom filters by using “+” button as well as to remove filters by using the “-” button.
Default Shipping Terms: Select the Shipping Term from the list such as Prepaid, Collect, Prepaid & Billed, Collect & Allowed, and Third-Party Billing to set the default Shipping term for the Woo-Commerce Account.
Order Type: From the drop-down choose an “Order Type” to be set as a default type in Xoro for all the Orders.
Turn Off All Payment: On check, it will drop only Orders & Invoices but will not import any Payments into Xoro.
Enable Multi-Currency: On check, it enables the Multi-Currency option and you have to enter a Multi-Currency App Name then select a particular Currency Code such as USD, CAD, and other currencies from the list. Also, select an Account Receivable that only deals with this currency from the list as all transactions will be done using this account. Lastly, enter a Rate Formula to Exchange the Current Currency Price. For example, Formula: UnitPrice * 0.90 where UnitPrice is the amount in current currency. You can add a comma to separate multiple formulas separately for Unit and Shipping Price.
Enable live Order Sync: Enabling this will sync the Order as soon as it drops with no delay.
Note: Not recommended for mass order drops(more than 2000/day).
Force Sync: Enabling force sync will try to sync Orders even if they are previously synced.
Note: Enabling this can impact the performance and potentially delay the auto imports.
Enable Gift Card Handling: Enabling this will handle gift cards and avoid duplicate payments.
Note: This might not work as expected if you’re using a third-party app for returns.
There are few other things to note here. The Gift Card is saved in the system as a Deposit and when an Order is dropped the amount on the Gift Card will be auto-linked to the SO. In another case where an Order is dropped as an Invoice, the Gift card amount (which is saved as a Deposit) will be auto-applied to the Invoice.
Use XoroERP WMS to Pack and Ship the Inventory Items: Xoro WMS will do the Pack and Ship of the Inventory Items of any Order whereas on uncheck it will not perform the Pack and Ship process from XoroERP WMS and the Orders will be dropped as Invoices.
Split Orders to all Available Locations: Selecting this will split the Order Quantity among the selected Locations in the case where the individual locations don’t have the required Inventory.
Location Name: Enter the location from where the Inventory will be Depleted/Returned for Woo-Commerce Orders. No other location can be used for any kind of Transaction.
Send Fulfillment back: It will send a Fulfillment notification when an Order is Shipped from Xoro to Woo-Commerce which includes the Tracking number, Carrier number, & Xoro Ref. No.
Note: It will work only when the XoroERP WMS is used to Pack and Ship the Inventory Items.
Auto Release Sales Orders: It will automatically change the Order Status from Open to Released status. Also, it will show an additional option of Auto Wave the Sales Order to check or uncheck according to the requirement.
Auto Wave Sales Orders: It will automatically do the wave process i.e. Create Wave for a Sales Order and ask to choose the Wave method to be used: “Allocate what is Available”, “Allocate Full Order Lines”, “Allocate Full Quantity, only per line”.
You also need to specify the Risk Recommendation values such as (cancel, investigate and accept). Orders containing the risk analysis mentioned above will not be waved.
Following settings will be used to update the Inventory in Woo-Commerce.
Update Woo-Commerce stock level when a product’s stock level is updated in XoroERP: It will Update Woo-Commerce stock level when a Product’s stock level is updated in XoroERP. You can select an Inventory field from the Inventory field drop-down. This setting will only update the selected Inventory Field. Let’s take a quick review of the Inventory Fields in Xoro:
On Hand = Available + Not Available. Total goods both damaged and undamaged.
Available: An “Available” item is considered to be a regular on-hand Inventory that can be sold. Please note that Available + Not Available = On Hand.
Net Available = Available – Allocated (this can never be a negative quantity). This is essentially the units left after Allocation/Waving.
ATS = Available – On Released SO. The Available units after being added to a Released Sales Order.
ATS (Inc PO) = Available + On Released PO – On Released SO. The Available units after being added to a Released Sales Order plus what is on a Released Purchase Order.
Use multilocation inventory/order update:
It enables the multilocation Inventory update where the first column defines the Available Store Name in Xoro whereas the next column defines the Xoro Location which is generally written as Xoro location code and the last column defines the Woo-Commerce Store locations.
This setting gives a clear picture of the Woo-Commerce store that matches the Xoro Location.
Use these settings to Schedule Data Import/Export and configure notification Emails.
Time Zone: We generally set at (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (the US and Canada).
Enable Auto Import/Export: If checked, it enables Auto Import/Export where you have to enter the following details:
- Integration Start Date: Select the Date and enter Time using the calendar from where onwards you want to start the Import/Export process.
- Hour and Min: Select Hours and Minutes from the list that defines the time interval between the consecutive Imports/Exports.
Enable Daily full sync: This will automatically run full sync after midnight for the previous day.
Receive Import Error notifications by email: You can receive import error notifications on one or more than one email by “,” separating values.
Send Daily error Email: You can receive a daily error file on one or more than one email by “,” separating values.
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