How do I Merge the Waves?

In the Wave Centre, there is an option to “Merge Waves”.

How does it work?

  • Navigate to the Wave Centre.
  • Select multiple Waves with the same Store.
  • Note: You can Merge Waves from Different customers, provided all other criteria below is met.

  • Click on the “Options” tab above and hit “Merge”.
  • Select the “Primary Wave” and hit “Merge”.  all secondary wave is going to be deleted.

  • The Waves will be Merged into one single Wave.

  • After Merging the Waves, the Line Count and the Unit count will sum up and show the Primary Wave selected.

  • Also, the Invoice is created separately for each Wave when Shipped together after merge.

Please Note: In the following cases the Waves cannot be merged: 

  • Users cannot merge Shipped, Void, Closed, and Produced Wave.

  • The Waves cannot be merged if the lock status of all waves selected does not match.
  • When Merging Waves that are Locked, the Merged Wave will also be locked.

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