How can I set default usage of the carton while Shipping an Order?

A user can specify the default usage of the carton during the Shipping (Pack & Ship, Express Ship, Quick Ship) of an Order, whether to use a single carton or one carton per item.

The feature:  

  • The app config under the Sales tab “Default carton in pack and ship”.
  • It has two values: 1. Single Carton, 2. One Carton Per Item.
  • This allows you to use one Carton for one Item during the Pack & Ship process of an Order. 

How does it work? 

  • Navigate to the App Config module. Under the Sales tab, select the “Single Carton” Option in the “Default carton in pack and ship setting. 
  • This setting will decide how many default ship carton(s) are created when shipping the order.

  • When a single Carton is selected in the App Config then while shipping a Sales Order, a single carton will be created and functionality will work as it has been working before.
  • Now if, One Carton Per Item is selected then while shipping the Sales Order One Carton Per item will be created.

  • In case when SO have multiple lines of the same item then one carton for that item will be created and will have multiple lines of that item.

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