How can I get notified if the quantity of an Item falls below the Re-Order point/Short Qty?

Whenever an Item goes below its Re-Order point,  it will get added to the email notification from the Short Inventory Planner.

New App Config settings are added for this functionality to work.

How does it work? 

In the Short Inventory Planner module if the Qty of an Item reaches below the Re-Order point qty and if the config setting is ON, then it will send an email notification and also it will be shown in the Short Inventory Planner with the Re-Order QTY button.

4 new App Config settings are added under the Inventory tab.

  • Navigate to the App Config module, under the Inventory tab, find these three settings:
  1. Enable short Inventory email notifications: If this setting is enabled only then the email will be sent. This setting works in coordination with the below 2 settings.
  2. Short Inventory email notifications time: The short inventory emails will be sent to the emails specified in “Short inventory email notification to following emails” at this time daily (Format – HH:MM).
  3. Short Inventory email notification to following emails: Enter here the emails to send Short Inventory Notification – You can add comma separated emails
  4. Short inventory notification level: The User can set the Inventory level in this config based on which the Short Inventory notification emails will be sent. For Example, if “Re-Order & Short Qty” is selected then all the items which are short by quantity or below the re-order point will be sent in the notification email.

Please note that only those items will be added to the email which are Short By the Re-Order Point.

With the App Config OFF, it will not send an email notification.

Let us understand in detail the functioning of these new settings.

  • Turn On the App Config setting and fill in the details for time and email ids.

  • Also, select the Short Inventory notification level: Re-Order & Short/ Re-Order Point.

  • The Item should have a Re-Order point and Re-Order Qty set.

  • Check the Availability of the Item:

  • Create and Release the SO with the Item and with the Qty so that the “Available Qty” of the Item falls below its Re-Order point and can be seen in the “Short Inventory Planner” module.

  • According to the App Config settings created, you will get notified about the “Re-Order Qty/ Short Qty”.

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