December 2021: Release Notes

  1. Invoice Centre: Added columns to show ICM details
  2. Data Export Centre Enhancement: Customer Deposit Export.
  3. Purchase Order: Ability to change the Store
  4. Sales Order: Sort the Items in the SO Detail level
  5. Manage Currency Exchange Rates per day
  6. Enhancement to Ship Confirmation Emails: Allow ship confirmations once per day.
  7. Enhancement: Create Purchase Order from the Short Inventory Planner module
  8. Vendor Module: Add multiple emails to Vendor Contact
  9. Create ASN: Added Receipt Date field in the Upload/Import Utility
  10. Purchase Order: Function to batch update Ship/Delivery Dates
  11. Wave Detail: Added Third Party Ref Name column in Wave Detail Export
  12. Sales Order Module: Setting to add Deposit Refunded & Remaining amount in the Sales Order
  13. Inventory Snapshot and Short Inventory Planner modules: Added columns; Forecast (Current Year & Next Year)
  14. Add items: Option to Quick Add Items in different modules

1. Invoice Centre: Added columns to show ICM details

Added two columns in the Invoice detail view of the Invoice Centre; Credit Amount, and Credited Qty. 

If Credit Memo is created against the Invoice, the details (Credit Amount, and Credited Qty) of the ICM will be displayed in these two columns.

  • Credit Amount is Credit Qty * EUP.
  • Credit Qty is the Qty received via the Invoice Credit Memo.

2. Data Export Centre Enhancement: Customer Deposit Export

  • Added the ability to export Customer Deposits in the Data Export Centre.


3. Purchase Order: Ability to change the Store

The Store can be changed for a saved PO with the help of an App Config “Enable changing store in Purchase Order”. 

This Config is located under the Purchase Order Tab.

  • If this setting is ON, then the store in the Purchase Order can be changed if the Purchase Order is in open and Released status. 

4. Sales Order Module: Sort the Items in the SO Detail level

In the Sales Order module, the Sales Order Detail now has a Sort dropdown.

Sorting the Item lines is possible based on a variety of options.

The sorting dropdown has the following values:

  1. Item Number (Ascending)
  2. Item Number (Descending)
  3. Total Price (Low to High)
  4. Total Price (High to Low)
  5. Qty (Low to High)
  6. Qty (High to Low)
  • Clicking any value in the dropdown will sort the item lines of the sales order accordingly.

  • When a sales order is saved it will save the order of item lines as per the sorting.
  • If the sorting is changed then to maintain the order of item lines the Sales Order has to be saved again.


5. Exchange Rate App Config: Manage Currency Exchange Rates per day**

  • If this setting is turned on, the currency exchange rates in all modules will be fetched based on the date of transaction/order. The system will start maintaining the history of exchange rates on a daily basis.

An App Config “Manage currency exchange rates per day for invoice” is added in the General tab.

How does it work?

Note: The Exchange Rates are stored/updated in the Exchange Rate Centre.

If the App Config is ON:

  • The system will ask to recalculate the exchange rate if needed when creating an SO/Invoice of a date other than the current date.
  • As an example, refer to the screenshot of an Order.

The same will be the case with the Exchange Rates while processing Purchase Orders.

  • While creating PO/IR/Bill of the Order Date other than the Current Date, the system will ask to recalculate the Exchange rate if required.

*Exchange Rate Centre maintains the history of exchange rates on a daily basis if app config is on.

6.  Enhancement to Ship Confirmation Emails: Allow ship confirmations once per day.

The auto-sending of Invoices to Customers provides the user with the ability to schedule the time at which Invoices are automatically sent to them.

Added two App Config in the Sales Tab ‘Enable Daily Invoice Emails‘ and ‘Daily Invoice Emails Time‘ in the Sales Tab of the App Config module.

  • If this setting is on, the system will auto-send Invoice emails every day to the Customers at the time specified in the App Config. This will only send Invoice emails created on the same day that was not sent manually.
  • You can disable this feature per customer by disabling this setting on the customer level. (Note: This is helpful for the situation where order tracking information is entered at the later stage after marking the order as shipped.)

Note: This is applicable when the ‘Auto email ship confirmation on Pack & Ship’ config is off.

  • The Time has to be entered in HH: MM format in the ‘Daily Invoice Emails Time‘ config.

  • You can disable this feature per customer by disabling this setting on the customer level.



7.  SIP Enhancement: Create Purchase Order from the Short Inventory Planner module

Purchase Order can now be created for the selected Items from the Item Inventory Snapshot module.

What’s New?

  • Three new options in the Item inventory snapshot:
  1. Create a new PO,
  2. Add to existing PO, and
  3. Create a new PO by Default Vendor.
  • Select Qty to add in the PO based upon the Re-Order Point Qty of the selected Item. 

How does it work?

  • Navigate to the Item Inventory Snapshot module.
  • Select the item(s).
  • From the Options dropdown, select one of the options:

Option selected: Create a new PO: 

  • Popup will open: select the Vendor.

Option selected: Add to existing PO

  • Select the PO to which the item(s) is to be added, and use filters to search the Order if required.


  • While adding the Item(s) to the PO, a popup will appear to add the Qty of the item(s).

The following options are available in the popup for adding Qty:

  • 1 Unit,
  •  Re-Order ( “Re-Order Point Qty” + “Re-order Qty” – “Available“), Here if the “is available qty” is sufficient enough, or the Items has no re-order point data, they will not be added to PO,
  •  The user can enter the quantity manually.


8. Vendor Module: Add multiple emails to Vendor Contact

  • In the past, only one email could be set up in the CC email when creating a Vendor.
  • As a result of the enhancement, multiple comma-separated email addresses can now be entered in the CC field.


9. Create ASN: Added Receipt Date field in the Upload/Import Utility

  • Added Receipt Date column in Upload ASN Create Template.

  • The receipt Date Column can now be used as mapping in Import/Export Utility module (Import).


10. Purchase order Module:Function to batch update Ship/Delivery Dates

The Purchase Order Details section of the PO module is updated with new options of Batch Update:

  • Batch Update Ship Date;
  • Batch Update Delivery Date


  • In the Purchase Order Centre under the Purchase Order Detail the “Ship Date” and “Delivery Date” will display the updated dates.

11. Added Third Party Ref Name column in Wave Detail Export 

While exporting “Wave Detail” data from the Data Export Centre module, the “Third Party Ref Name” will be exported.

  • The column can be added & accessed in the Centre.

  • The column will be exported.


12. Sales order Module: New feature to Show Deposit Refunded & Remaining amount in the Sales Order

In the Sales Order Payment detail section at the bottom, two new amount details can be added & viewed: Deposit Refunded & Deposit Remaining. 

How does it work? 

  • An App Config setting is added in the Sales Tab: ‘Show Deposit & Refunded Amount in Sales Order‘.

  • This setting will show the Deposit refund amount and Deposit remaining amount in the Sales Order.
  • When this config is on, the Deposit Remaining and Deposit Refunded amounts will be visible in the SO.

  • Deposit Refunded is the total refund made on the linked Deposit to that Sales Order.
  • Deposit Remaining is the total Deposit amount remaining on the linked Deposits to that Sales Order.

Please Note:

  • The remaining amount of the Deposit and the refund will only be displayed if they are larger than zero.
  • When a Sales Order is split, the deposit applied is split as well.
  • When a deposit is split and if the total amount is different from the linked amount, then the Total Amount will be shown in brackets.


13. Inventory Snapshot and Short Inventory Planner modules: Added columns; Forecast (Current Year & Next Year)

  • Added Forecast (Current Year) and Forecast (Next Year) columns in Inventory Snapshot and Short Inventory Planner modules.

What is the Sales Forecast? 

A Sales Forecast is a prediction/target of the quantity of an item to be sold over a specific period of time, under a given month. It can be added from the “Sales Forecast” tab of the create Item module.

This enhancement now allows users to view the Sales Forecast of the Items for the Current and Next Year in the column provided in the Inventory Snapshot and Short Inventory Planner modules.

  • The Forecast (Current Year) column: To see the sum of the total forecast Qty of that year.
  • The Forecast (Next Year) column: To see the sum of the total forecast Qty for next year.
  • Click on the Qty of the column.
  • This will open a subform that shows the forecast Qty and forecast amount of that year according to months.


14. Add Items: Option to Quick Add Items in different modules

Several modules have been enhanced to provide Quick Add Items options. Multiple items can be added to the order quickly and easily using the Quick Add Items option.

The Option is added in the following modules:

Sales Order, Purchase Order, TSO, TPO, & Estimate

  • Added an App Config: – “Quick Add Item” under the General tab.
  • Use this setting to show/hide the Quick Add button in all modules

  • Up to 5 Custom, Fields Custom Fields can be added Search will show u.

How does it work?

  • Navigate to the App Config module, and turn on the config “Quick Add Item” in the General tab.
  • Now, navigate to any of the modules, let’s say the “Sales Order” module.
  • The “Quick Add Items” can be seen in the SO Detail section.

  • Click on the option and a pop-up screen will be displayed on the screen.

  • At the top, several Quick search options can be seen.
  • Select/filter the Items and add Quantity in the Qty field.
  • The availability of the item is calculated on the basis of the App Config: – Inventory Type for Availability Column.

  • Sales Order and Estimate modules filter item availability based on the “Ship Store” and TSO filters it based on the “From Store”.
  • The item inventory summary for the Item can be viewed by clicking on the “Availability” button.

  • Right-click on the Qty and the Qty can be copied to all, or for the selected Items. 

  • Finally, add the selected Items to the Order.


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