With the help of the “Batch Manufacture Order” module, the Manufacturing Orders can be generated in Batches.
This module can be used in the case of variants.
How does it work?
Instead of creating different Manufacturing Orders for different manufacturable Items, one Batch can be created.
- Pull up the Batch Manufacturing Order Module.
- Select the Base Product and the options (if required).
- Select the Item lines and add the qty for the items
- Then move the item lines and add them to the batch.
- Choose the Processes to be applied for the Manufacturing with the Production stages.
For example: Grading > Cutting > Dyeing etc.
- Add them to the Process
In the “Manufacturing Process” module, new Processes can be added according to the requirements of the Process.
- Can also add the Services if required.
An “Add Later” functionality is added for Processes and Services in the Manufacturing Process module.
- The Batch MOs can be created without adding processes and services.
- This flag will be shown true on the MO centre for the created MO(s). Flags names are- ‘Is Processes Added Later?’ and ‘Is Services Added Later?’.
- Later you can add Processes and Services from the MO Centre by clicking on the batch number.
- You can add/update processes and services only if the MO(s) of the selected batch is in Open or Release status from the batch MO page and the flag will remain the same in the MO Centre. (Ie. The flag will remain set true if you add Processes and Services later.)
- Processes can be marked completed from batch sub-view (open from MO Centre) only if the order is not in open and release status.
- Can choose if the service required is “One Time”.
- Also, the Service cost can be marked as “Split” by the number of quantities under each Item line.
- Finally, click on “Generate Batch MO’s”.
- In the Manufacturing Order Centre, the Batch MO’s can be found with their MO numbers.
- In the Sub-view form of the Batch MO, the processes can be updated, and that process will be completed for all MO’s.
- Quick Produce also can be done from sub-view form.
- Also, from the Sub-view form, one can directly Navigate to the MO and update the status of the Processes if required.
Ability to update the Qty to Produce and Split the Batch Manufacturing Order
- Open Batch MO from MO Centre.
- MO table has a new column, “Qty To Produce“. This can be added from the nine dots option.
- This is editable when the MO is in “Open/Release” and in “In-Picking” status.
- Qty to Produce can not be greater than the original Qty on the MO.
- When any Qty is changed in the “Qty to produce” column, new buttons and the checkbox for creating new MO(s) will appear.
- Select whether Qty has to be updated for all the MO’s or only for the selected MO’s.
- If the checkbox is selected and Qty to Produce is updated then a new MO will be generated under the same batch with the remaining Qty (Qty-“Qty to Produce”).
- The existing MO Qty will also be updated with the Qty = Qty Produce Qty.
- On the Other hand, if the “Create New MO(s) for the remaining Qty flag is unchecked, no new MO will be created and the Qty and Qty to Produce columns will get updated with the new Qty.
- A batch Release option is also introduced for Open orders from the Action button.
Please Note:
- If any MO is linked with PO then PO linking will also be updated, and in the same case if a new MO is created then that will also be linked with an already linked PO.