April 2023: Release Notes

1. Upload ASN Receipt: Added columns Lot Number, Batch Number, Manufacture Date, Expiry Date
2. Inventory Adjustment: Added LPN Number, Lot Number, Batch Number, Manufacture Date, and Expiry Date columns
3. Manufacturing Order: Added the ability to create the Manufacturing Order in the Released status

1. Upload ASN Receipt: Added columns Lot Number, Batch Number, Manufacture Date, Expiry Date

We’ve included four additional columns in the Upload ASN Receipt template that correspond to LPN details. These columns are LotNumber, BatchNumber, MfgDate, and ExpDate.

Please note: These columns will only be available if the app config, “Enable LPNs” is ON.

These details can be verified from the Inventory Change Log module.

2. Inventory Adjustment: Added LPN Number, Lot Number, Batch Number, Manufacture Date, and Expiry Date columns

When creating an Inventory Adjustment, we’ve incorporated five new fields: To LPN#, Lot#, Batch#, Manufacture Date, and Expiry Date.

How does it work?

  • Navigate to the “Inventory Adjustment” module.
  • Select the Store and search for the Item and click on the “Add New Location” button.
  • An “Add New Location” window will populate. The columns have been added here.
  • Enter the details and click on “Add”.
  • Click on “Adjust Inventory” to create Inventory Adjustment.

Please Note: 

  • These columns will only be shown if the “Enable LPNs” app config is ON.
  • If the “Auto generate LPNs in case of No LPN location” app config is ON, the LPN will be generated automatically, if not entered. If this app config is OFF and the LPN# is not entered, the LPN will not be generated for the adjustment.

3. Manufacturing Order: Added the ability to create the Manufacturing Order in the Released status

We have added the feature to create a Manufacturing Order in Released status. A new app Config, “Auto Release Manufacturing Order” has been created for this.

If this config is enabled, the MO will automatically be created in Released status. If disabled, the MO creation will work as usual and the order will be created in “Open” status.

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