Let’s take the example of the “Sales Report“.
Step 1: Go to Report Library > Sales > Sales Report
Step 2: The report will print in the “Grid” or “Pivot Table” format
Report Sections
- Report Filters
- Pivot Table Rows
- Pivot Table Columns
- Toolbar
- Layout and Formatting Options
Report Sections – Explained
Report Filters (1)
These are report-level filters. Typically these will include Period (From Date and To Date can be entered separately as well) and other filtering fields for the Report. These filters cannot be edited by the users.
Pivot Table Rows (2)
Pivot table rows fields and hierarchies are shown here
Pivot Table Columns (3)
Pivot table column fields and hierarchies are shown here
Toolbar (4)
The toolbar includes various controls like Saving a new report, Expanding/Collapsing all columns, Exporting capabilities, Conversion to Grid and Chart layouts
Layout and Formatting Options (5)
This represents the layout and formatting controls.
Step: 1 Go to Layout and Formatting Options (5)
Step 2: Click on “Fields”
Step 3: Add Fields to the Pivot table in one of the four sections (Rows, Columns, Filters, Values). If you add multiple fields to the rows and columns layout, the system will create a hierarchy/grouping within the row/column fields.
Clicking on each row/column will open the next hierarchy.
You can also change the hierarchy by simply dragging the fields up and below within the Row/column group.
Let’s move the “Brand” column to the top within Row Hierarchy and the “Month” column to the top within Column Hierarchy.
Step 4: Click on “Apply”
Note: Calculated values can also be defined in each report by using mathematical operations and system-defined functions like SUM, AVERAGE, etc.
Step 5: The report with New Layout will print. We can clearly see that the report is now printed by brand and month first.
Clicking on “Brand” will open the next Hierarchy (which is Customer) and the same applies to columns too.
Additional Tips
- Clicking on “Fullscreen” on the top right will expand the report to the full window
- If you want to add additional filters to rows and column groups, click on the “settings” icon beside row or column fields. These filers as opposed to fixed report filters can be easily added by users.
Add your values for the filter and click “Apply”
- To change the report layout and add Grand Totals/Sub Totals, click on the “Options” button
- To change the formatting on the report or add conditional formatting rules, click on the “Format” button
Step 1 Go to the Toolbar (4)
Step 2 Click on “Export” and select the Export format
If you want to export the report with all rows/columns expanded, click on “Tools” and expand all/collapse all.
Step1 Go to the Toolbar (4)
Step 2 Click on “Charts” and select the Chart Type
You have two options when it comes to saving the changes made to the report
Override the current report with changes
In this case, click on “File” and “Save my Layout”
Save as a New Report
In this case, click on “File” and “Save as New”.
Enter Report Component Name, Description, and Report Group (within Reporting Library) to add the new report.
Note: You can only use this function if you have “Reporting Designer” access.
User-created reports will show up with a changed icon in the reporting library.
You can also save along with the layout of the Dynamic Reports.
This shows the original Component Name under the Saved Component Name while saving.
- There is an option to “Edit” the User added Report.
- Able to update the Name, Description, and Report Group.
- Able to delete the New Report Component.
- Access level permissions can be defined to Save/Delete the new components by only the User who created them.