Import/Export Scheduler
If your instance of Xoro has a CSV integration with a 3PL, you need to enable the Import/Export scheduler to automatically send and receive Wave(s)/ASN(s) confirmations.
Xoro will send them to your 3PL provider, once they are confirmed, they are sent back to Xoro at which point Invoices/Item Receipts are automatically generated.
3PL connections (FTP); the following will happen in the system:
- Wave is Exported
- Ship Confirmation is Imported
- ASN is Exported
- Receipts are Imported
- Inventory is Sync
Xoro-3PL-Xoro Workflow
Xoro – Setup 3PL Wave Export Scheduler
If you have an API integration with your 3PL then this won’t be necessary but if you’re doing a CSV integration then make sure that the scheduler is in place at the Data Export Centre.
To set up a scheduler for sending your Waves or your Allocated Orders to your 3PL follow the steps mentioned below:
- Navigate to Data Export Centre.
- Pull up “Waves Details”.
Put up few required filters:
- Status= “Allocated”, because we only want the Allocated Waves.
- Create Date= “Today”
- Create Time = Greater than or equal to midnight (or any time).
- Go to the Options menu and Schedule an Export.
- Select an “Export Utility Template” from the Utility Template dropdown.
What are Export/Import Utility Templates? Xoro has the ability to export or import data into and out of external systems using templates that can be built. These templates will simplify the process of data exchange in different formats. (Find a detailed explanation at the end of the article).
- Hit Upload and this will open up a “Job Scheduler” dialog.
Schedule Title: Give a Title for the Schedule.
Description: You can put the same thing for the description.
Action: It’s going to lock this as an export.
Start At: You can choose today’s date.
End At: Select a Date when you want this scheduler to stop.
Format: You can choose CSV that’s our format.
Destination Type: You can select FTP/Email, depending on how your 3PL is receiving the CSV files.
If it’s an email just fill in the Email information below if it’s FTP then you are required to fill in the FTP details below.
The FTP information: Just confirm with Xorosoft that these credentials are correct, you may already have them.
Recurring Schedule? You can check this box depending on how often do you want this scheduler to send your waves to your 3PL.
You can make it every hour, every two hours, every half an hour, etc.
Sync Time: This means that it’s going to send a batch of Waves that it finds and then the next time it is going to send Waves from exactly where you sent the last time. So this is smart enough to always send new Waves that have not been sent in that before. Hence make sure that the sync time is selected in this case.
Target Subdirectory: Make sure your target subdirectory is correct.
File Name: The file name of your CSV is the name of that file when it gets sent over, so certain 3PLs are probably going to prefer certain names to certain formats for their files so you can always specify this.
Enable Notifications on Error: This feature at the bottom enables notifications on error.
Check this box if you want to get notified of an error every time there’s some kind of problem or if there’s an error with this scheduler.
You can select internal Notification and the User Email.
Hit Save, click OK and your Wave Export Scheduler will be all set.
Xoro – Setup 3PL Wave Import Scheduler
If you have a CSV integration with your 3PL and you are using a scheduler to send waves to them, you have to set up a Scheduler for Receiving those Wave Confirmations back from your 3PL so that Invoices can get generated in the system.
To set up your CSV scheduler for importing Waves from your 3pl, follow the steps below:
- Go to the “Upload Waves” module and on the bottom click on the Schedule Import.
- Hit Schedule Import and this will open up a “Job Scheduler” dialog.
Schedule Title: Give a Title for the Schedule.
Description: You can put the same thing for the description.
Action: It’s going to lock this as an import.
Start At: You can choose today’s date.
End At: Select a Date when you want this scheduler to stop.
Format: You can choose CSV that’s our format.
Destination Type: You can select FTP.
The FTP information: Just confirm with Xorosoft that these credentials are correct, you may already have them.
Recurring Schedule? You can check this box depending on how often do you want this scheduler to receive your waves from your 3PL. You can make it every hour, every two hours, every half an hour, etc.
Target Subdirectory: Make sure your target subdirectory is correct.
Enable Notifications on Error: This feature at the bottom enables notifications on error.
So, check this box if you want to get notified of an error every time there’s some kind of problem or if there’s an error with this scheduler.
You can select internal Notification and the User Email.
- Hit save, click OK and your Wave Import Scheduler will be all set.
Xoro – Setup 3PL ASN Export Scheduler
If you have a CSV integration with your 3PL and you want to Receive Goods you will be creating ASNs on your Purchase Orders.
Now you will need to set up a scheduler to send those ASNs automatically to your 3PL.
So, let’s find out how do we set up the Scheduler to send the ASNs to the 3PL.
- Navigate to the Data Export Centre.
- Pull up “ASN Detail”.
Now put few required filters, from the “Advance Search.”
- Status= “Open”
- Create Date= “Today”
- Create Time = Greater than or equal to midnight (or any time).
- Go to the Options menu and Schedule an Export.
- Select an “Export Utility Template” from the Utility Template dropdown.
- Hit Upload and this will open up a “Job Scheduler” dialog.
Schedule Title: Give a Title for the Scheduler.
Description: You can put the same thing for the description.
Action: It’s going to lock this as an Export.
Start At: You can choose today’s date.
End At: Select a Date when you want this scheduler to stop.
Format: You can choose CSV that’s our format.
Destination Type: You can select FTP/Email, depending on how your 3PL is receiving the CSV files.
If it’s an email just fill in the information below if it’s FTP then you are required to fill in the Email details below.
The FTP information: Just confirm with Xorosoft that these credentials are correct, you may already have them.
Recurring Schedule? You can check this box depending on how often do you want this scheduler to send your ASNs to your 3PL.
You can make it every hour, every two hours, every half an hour, etc.
Sync Time: This means that it’s going to send a batch of ASNs that it finds and then the next time it sends those ASNs from exactly where you last sent them. So this is smart enough to always send new ASNs that have not been sent before. Hence make sure that the sync time is selected in this case.
Target Subdirectory: Make sure your target subdirectory is correct. This is the destination directory/folder to which files are sent.
File Name: The file name of your CSV is the name of that file when it gets sent over, so certain 3PLs prefer certain names to certain formats for their files so you can always specify this.
Enable Notifications on Error: This feature at the bottom enables notifications on error.
Check this box if you want to get notified of an error every time there’s some kind of problem or if there’s an error with this scheduler.
You can select internal Notification and the User Email.
Click Save & OK and your ASN scheduler have been set up.
Xoro – Setup 3PL ASN Import Scheduler
If you are setting up a scheduler for exporting ASNs then you will also have to set up a scheduler for importing your ASN confirmation to receive those ASN Receipts in a compatible format from your 3PL.
Let us find out how to set up your scheduler for receiving ASN Receipts from your 3PL.
Follow the steps below to do so:
- Go to the “Upload ASN Receipts” module, and on the bottom click on the Schedule Import.
- Select an “Import Utility Template” from the Utility Template dropdown.
- Hit Upload and this will open up a “Job Scheduler” dialog.
- This will open up a “Job Scheduler” dialog.
Schedule Title: Give a Title for the Scheduler.
Description: You can put the same thing for the description.
Action: It’s going to lock this as an import.
Start At: You can choose today’s date.
End At: Select a Date when you want this scheduler to stop.
Format: You can choose CSV that’s our format.
Destination Type: This is set FTP for our system.
Recurring Schedule? You can check this box depending on how often do you want this scheduler to Receive the ASN’s from your 3PL.
You can make it every hour, every two hours, every half an hour, etc.
The FTP information: Just confirm with Xorosoft that these credentials are correct, you may already have them.
Target Subdirectory: Make sure your target subdirectory is correct.
Enable Notifications on Error: This feature at the bottom enables notifications on error.
So, check this box if you want to get notified of an error every time there’s some kind of problem or if there’s an error with this scheduler.
You can select internal Notification and the User Email.
- Hit save, click OK and your Wave Import Scheduler will be all set.
Xoro has the ability to export or import data into and out of external systems using templates that can be built. Basically, these templates translate the data into and out of Xoro’s format so that you don’t have to do the data manipulation in Excel.
To Import/Export the data from your 3PL, you will need an automatic tool that will translate the data into an acceptable format. A utility can be built using this file, which will allow you to import/export as it is into Xoro. The utility will map the data into the correct columns and the Waves/ASNs will get sent/received, thus skipping the data manipulation step altogether.
Utilities like this can be built for many different scenarios, like uploading orders, inventory export, wave export, etc. If you feel that a utility may be required, just log a ticket with a sample .csv export.
In Xoro the Import/Export utilities can be created from the “Import/Export Utility” module
- Give a name to the Utility(Template) you are going to create.
- Select an Entity from the list in the dropdown, for which you want to create a mapping in Xoro.
- Select if you going to perform an Export or an Import in the system.
- Choose a file in CSV format, and click on “Map“.
- This will create a mapping between the External format and the Xoro Format.
- The columns will be matched, or you can select the applicable field against the Xoro.s format to create the mapping.
- You can also code some of these values. You can use the C# programming language to code some of these expressions, in the expressions column.
- Also from the “Edit External Format” option, you can edit the values in the CSV file that you have uploaded.
After the mapping of the columns is done, click on “Save”. This will save the data and create the utility.
Import/Export Scheduler-Managing Guide
How to manage your Import and Export schedulers for your 3pl?
If you are connected with a 3PL and you are importing/exporting waves/ASNs from your Xoro system you are going to manage your account using this method.
- Navigate to the “Job Schedule Centre“.
- You can see here all kinds of Jobs you have set up.
Quick Info: Hower on the Right Side of the Activity and you will find an icon “Quick Info” to view short info about the Activity.
- Click on “Edit” to See/Edit the details of the Import and Export scheduler
- If you want to have the Error Notifications of these schedulers, click on enable notifications on error.
- You can select all your users that should receive email notifications every time there’s an error.
View History: Click here to view the History of the Activity.
Import/Export Scheduler-Managing Guide
Every time a Job fires an Import or an Export, all the logs get stored in the “Job Execution History” module.
You can select the Job from the “Select Job” drop-down, to filter out the Job log that you want to see.
Also, you can filter the Jobs on the basis of their status, such as Success, Error, Pending, In Queue.
There are options to select and view “Data Records Ony”, “Exclude Resolved Errors”, or to view the “Errors Only”.
From the “Options” tab, you can select a Job and perform actions like Re-Run, or Stop, or Resolve, or Un-Resolve.