1 Added search option for the “Alternate Item Number” in the Global Search menu and “Quick Search” in the Item Centre The Alternate Item number can be searched by different advanced and quicker methods. Now the Alternative Item Number can be searched into the “Global Search” menu. The Alternative Item […]
May 2021 Release Notes:
1. Sales Order Centre: Batch Cancel Orders 2. Invoice Centre: Added Currency Code Column 3. Customer Deposit module: Added option to Refund Balance 4. Purchase Order: Added “Notes” on the line level 5. User Store mapping: User cannot create a Sales Order or perform Wave operations like Lock/Unlock Wave, Pick […]
How do I move the qty from “Damaged to Available Qty”/” Not Available to Available”?
To change the qty from “Not Available” To “Available” follow the below steps: Pull up the “Inventory by Location” module and Right-click on the damage location which you have and make the” New Not Available Qty” to “0”. This will make the qty “Available”. Inventory movement Not Available Make Available […]
How to generate Invoice before shipping?
To print “Commercial Invoice” Pull up the Sales Order for which you want to print the Commercial Invoice. Click on the “Print” at the top right corner. When selecting the ‘Template’ in the drop-down, choose “Sales Order(CI)“. Hit Print Preview and you will be able to preview the Commercial Invoice.
April 2021 Release Notes
1 Bug Fixed: Shipping Cost gets applied on one Invoice in case of multiple Waves of one SO 2 ASN Import Template: Added the Column “Credit Memo#” 3 Batch Upload Inventory Enhancement: Added Item Identifier Code 4 Activity Tracking Module Enhancement: Log on Viewing the Items 5 Activity Tracking Module […]
March 2021 Release Notes
1. The approval process for validating the B2B/Portal users An App Config setting has been added to authorize the new user while signing up for the B2B presentation. This enhancement allows only the approved portal users to sign up in the application. When a user signs up or registers for […]
Feb 2021 Release Notes
1. Customer Module: Address Instructions Added an “Address Instruction” field for “Ship To” and “Bill To” address in the “Create Customer” module. How does it work? Navigate to the Customer centre. Open a customer account. Navigate to Contact Info Tab. Switch to Address Info Tab. Select the Address from the […]
Jan 2021 Release Notes
1. Wave Center: Added Item UPC column. Added Item UPC column to Wave Center (Wave Detail View & Wave Detail Allocation View), Wave Subview, and Pick Wave module. UPC column in the Wave Centre; Wave Detail view. UPC column in the Wave Centre; Wave Detail Allocation view. UPC […]
Upload Accounts
An account is used to track a set of transactions in the form of debits and credits. There can be many types of accounts, including bank, income, expense, asset, equity, payable, receivable, etc. Overview Download the latest CSV Template from the “Upload Accounts” module. Copy Account information into the CSV […]
Upload Users
A User is someone who uses the Xorosoft application. Every user has their own credentials which they use to login. Use the User module to create a new user in the system. If you are adding a new user to your system, please notify Xorosoft to ensure your subscription is […]